  • 學位論文


The usability of the kitchen design for the elderly in taiwan

指導教授 : 黃啟梧


我國82年底老年人口佔總人數的7.10%,我國已正式邁向高齡化社會,到93年底,我國老年人佔總人口數更高達9.48%,從82年到93年這段時間,65歲以上的老年人明顯增加,表示高齡社會所面臨之問題,將接踵產生。根據調查老年人最常發生危險的地方是廚房,而流理台在廚房內扮演著非常重要的角色,若發展出好操作的流理台,讓高齡者使用時更簡單、更安全為本研究的重點。 本研究首先蒐集文獻資料,其次以訪談、實地觀察和問卷等方法,瞭解國內老年人使用流理台之現況、環境和使用行為,並規劃出四款適合老年人使用的流理台動線,再藉由實驗找出最簡單與安全的流理台動線,經由討論後提出結論與建議之改善的方案。 調查發現:1.女性和男性高齡者,因身高的差異,導致適合的吊櫃高度不同,研究發現吊櫃在130-155cm之間是最容易拿取的高度。2.高齡者因記憶力衰退的關係,對“臨時和進行”中的記憶十分脆弱,因此若受到外界的干擾,短期記憶容易消失,所以在使用爐台時要小心用火,並增設安全裝置以降低使用上的意外。3.使用水槽時,水容易灑落一地的情況,可藉由水槽的長度和深度的改變得到改善。4.在有限的廚房空間裡,使用單邊型流理台是較節省空間的方式。5.一個好的流理台動線,必須要簡單、安全,將主要工作範圍集中在爐台(70cm)、工作檯面(80cm)、水槽(85cm)這三個區域,避免高齡者長距離的移動,導致跌倒的意外傷害。


高齡者 廚具 人因工程 流理台


At the end of 1993, the elderly population of Taiwan was 7.10% of the total population. By end of 2004, the percentage of elders increased to 9.48%. So from 1993 to 2004, people over 65 increased dramatically, and problems associated with an aging population increased. According to some surveys, the most dangerous place for elders is in the kitchen, especially around the sink, the counter and the oven. So, our goal is to develop safer kitchen for elderly. This research collected current materials, articles, conducted interviews, observed elderly kitchen-users and carried out a survey to understand how elderly people worked in the kitchen. The research designed four different layouts, which are suitable for elderly people working in the kitchen, and experimented to find the best one. Conclusions and suggestions were then made for improved kitchen safety amongst the elderly population of Taiwan. The include: 1. Generally speaking, males were averagely taller than females. It was hard for a man and a woman to use a same cupboard, which was fixed on wall and was not adjustable. According to the research, cupboards with a height of 130cm to 155cm were the most ergonomically sound for the elderly. 2. Because of memory loss, elderly people would forget things easily if they were interrupted. Elderly people have to pay more attention to stoves while cooking and must make sure alarms are functioning properly in order to decrease the chance of accidents. 3. While using the sink, water would often spray on the floor. In this case, safety for the elderly could be improved by changing the length and depth of sinks. 4. It is most effective to put the sink, the stove and the counter on the same side in a narrow kitchen. 5. The workflow on a counter must be simple and secure. Make sure all kitchen work would be performed only around the stove (70cm), the counter (80cm) and the sink (85cm) will keep elderly people from moving around too much, and thus reduce the chance of accident.


older kitchen cabinet


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