  • 學位論文


The Study of Waste Mercury-Containing Lamp Treatment by Thermal Desorption Technology

指導教授 : 張添晉


我國自民國91年1月1日起開始公告回收廢直式日光燈管,回收工作至今近四年多,且執行狀況良好,但仍有非直管照明光源及工業上所使用的特殊燈管未強制回收,而每年工業上產生之廢棄量及廢汞量皆相當可觀,故這些含汞廢燈管若無有效回收處理,則將會嚴重污染環境,但我國卻只有四家處理廢含汞燈管資源回收廠,要處理全國每年四千萬支一般廢日光燈管,及工業所廢棄之特殊燈管,其可回收處理量與能力已達負荷極限,這可能會產生廢含汞燈管因無即時處理而堆積於儲存場,提高燈管破損率,造成汞蒸氣容易逸散於大氣中,造成對環境之危害。 本研究以熱脫附方法,進行實廠處理冷陰極管含汞螢光粉、日光燈含汞螢光粉、曝光燈管/UV燈管及日光燈排氣管等廢含汞燈管之實驗,其實驗結果顯示曝光燈與UV燈管及日光燈排氣管,熱脫附處理效率大都可在99.9%以上,而日光燈含汞螢光粉之處理效率大都於98.00%之間,冷陰極管含汞螢光粉處理效率於69.37~93.39%之間,各樣品之間處理效率變化大,而造成處理效率較其他三種含汞燈管低之原因,為冷陰極管含汞螢光粉成份較為複雜,加熱溫度對於日光燈含汞螢光粉及冷陰極管含汞螢光粉之影響,為處理效率隨加熱溫度增加而增加,尤其對於冷陰極管含汞螢光粉而言,加熱溫度為主要之控制因子,由汞釋出溫度分析實驗結果中,可顯示加熱溫度應該要控制於550℃以上,才有可能達到較高的處理效率。


The government has declared recycling for waste fluorescent lamps since Jan 1st in 2002. Distinguished results are very well, but there are still lighting equipment except tube lighting and industrial special lamps without recycling. A great deal of the amounts of waste will increase environmental pollution, but the recycling treatment plants in Taiwan are only four. It is the bottom line for treatment of waste fluorescent lamps and industrial special lamps. Without suitable storage, landfills will result to having lamps broken thus increases the mercury vapor in the air which pollutes the environment. The study will focus on cold cathode fluorescent lamp (CCFL)fluorescent powder, lamp fluorescent powder, super high pressure mercury lamp, UV lamp, lamp exhaust pipe pilot experiments by thermal desorption. The results show that super high pressure mercury lamp, UV lamps and lamp exhaust pipe can reach above 99.9% efficiency. Lamp fluorescent powder can reach 98%. Cold cathode fluorescent lamp(CCFL)fluorescent powder can reach between 69.37~93.39%. Cold cathode fluorescent lamp(CCFL)fluorescent powder efficiency will be affected by increasing temperatures. The increasing temperatures will be the main control factor. Analysis drawn form experiment of releasing mercury shows that temperatures should be controlled at above 550℃ for better efficiency.


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