  • 學位論文

企業因應全球暖化之策略研究─ 以石化、電子及金融保險業為例

A Study on Corporate Strategy in Response to the Global Warming

指導教授 : 胡憲倫


京都議定書已於2005年2月16日正式生效,台灣雖非聯合國會員國,在國際現實壓力下,對全球溫室氣體減量的努力,絕對無法置身事外。然而,全球暖化在國外已經被認為是攸關企業生存的議題,文獻中許多成功的案例與創新的經驗-在能源效率、製程改善、廢棄物管理、運輸方面等,不但成功的減少溫室氣體的排放,更創造出驚人的附加利益,並據以領先同產業的競爭對手,以確保其企業長期競爭優勢。反觀臺灣的企業,由於認知上的不足,因此在因應此一議題上,顯得既被動又了無新意。其實國際各行業的領導企業,已經將全球暖化的議題視為是下一波企業提升競爭力的最重要契機。 緣此,本研究目的乃希望透過本研究分析、比較,並彙整國外三大產業(石化、電子與金融保險)在因應全球暖化上具領先地位的企業之經驗作法,提出建議,以做為台灣企業未來急起直追的參考。研究首先透過各種文獻,收集這三大產業30多家跨國大型企業因應全球暖化議題所採取之減量策略,並分成能源改善、製程改善、廢棄物管理、交通運輸,以及京都機制等五個面向。之後,將這些策略與作法彙整並做成專家問卷後,請教國內相關領域之專家,以篩選出符合台灣國內現況之溫室氣體減量策略項目。最後,再針對國內這三個產業進行各減量策略之認知與實際實施情形之調查。 研究結果顯示,以整體認知來看,石化業與電子業都具有其一定程度之認知,而金融業對於溫室氣體減量認知較為不足。其原因可能在於,石化與電子業是屬於排放密集與高耗能之產業,而國際相關法令的興起與我國相關政府機關近年來對於特定工業部門進行其輔導與規範下,使得此兩大產業對於溫室氣體減量並不陌生。在整體實施情況與認知部分具有一定程度的差距,其中在能源改善面向中,石化業對於需大量資金與技術創新之減量策略(如低碳技術、再生能源等),普遍執行情況偏低。製程改善面向中,石化業與電子業,對於傳統式的管末處理減量策略整體實施情況較為理想。廢棄物管理面向中,石化業者對於生命週期評估的減量項目執行狀況不盡理想。交通運輸面向中,普遍三大產業整體實施情況有待改善。最後,京都機制面向中,除了石化業表現尚可外,其他兩大產業仍有許多進步的空間。 從問卷分析結果可以得知,相關政府單位與國際法令規定對於企業執行溫室氣體減量策略具有其指標作用。研究結果亦顯示出國內企業大多處於被動狀態,對於參與溫室氣體減量之積極度極需加強。另一方面,國內企業對於教育社區民眾節能、員工通勤狀況與公務車輛之排放減量等,對於義務性減量活動上,企業主需多盡份心力,而不是以傳統思維以成本與營利考量為第一優先。


Tokyo Protocol has become effective since February 16th 2005. Although Taiwan isn’t the member of the Union Nation, under international circumstances it is impossible for Taiwan to place herself away from the international efforts of reducing greenhouse gases. Many multinational companies regard global warming issues as a critical problem for survival, they are not just passively reactive this issue but proactively response it through innovative measures, from various aspects, such as energy efficiency, process improvement, waste management practice and transportation, for gaining long term competitive advantages. On the contrary, due to lack of awareness, Taiwanese companies usually adopt a passive or even defensive attitude. In order to help Taiwanese companies dealing with this issue, one should have an overall understanding on how they react to this issue. The main purpose of the study, thus, is to investigate how the Taiwanese companies response to the global warming. Three industries were selected for this purpose; they are petroleum industry, electronic industry and financial insurance industry. Practices and strategies for responding global warming of thirties international leading companies of these 3 industries were studied thoroughly, and grouped all the practices and strategies into 5 aspects, energy efficiency, processes improvement, waste management, transportation and Kyoto mechanism. These practices and strategies then were compiled and become an experts’ questionnaire for getting experts’ opinion on the suitability of selected practices and strategies for Taiwanese companies. After the confirmation of the practices and strategies from the experts, another questionnaire was developed and mailed to the companies of the selected industries to survey how they response to global warming. The results indicated that petroleum and electronic enterprises in Taiwan have certain degree of awareness regarding how to reduce GHG emissions. However, companies of insurance industry have much lower awareness regarding the GHG reduction strategies. Regarding implementation, all the companies surveyed are not as good as their awareness; and petroleum industry outperforms other industries. In sum, the results of the study indicated that most Taiwanese companies are passively reacting to global warming. It is also shown that related government agencies and international regulations play an important role to channel enterprises to adopt GHG reduction strategies. And this reluctant attitude of response to global warming is not just irresponsible but also dangerous and should be corrected immediately.


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