  • 學位論文


A Study on Post-seismic Spatial Planning of Medium and Long-run Shelter

指導教授 : 彭光輝


民國88年發生921集集大地震後,被視為第一時間最重要、急迫性的救災措施,即是興建臨時住宅安置大量無家可歸的受災民眾,災民在心理上有著不同的差異性、在居住空間之規劃上也明顯有著不同的特殊性,然而組合屋長時間使用之下,原「臨時」之設置收容場所已改變成為新型態「社區」與「社群」,亦浮現出許多原本規劃設計意料之外的問題,如何提供災後規劃設計良好的中長期收容場所安頓災民,儼然成為一個重要的課題。 本研究首先藉由文獻回顧的方式,歸納出中長期收容社區與一般社區的差異性,以環境心理的觀點檢視,歸納出中長期收容社區居民的心理特徵以及需求,並透過同屬亞洲地震頻傳之先進國家---日本的相關法令、空間規劃沿革比較分析整理出中長期收容場所之組合屋規劃時,臨時住宅彈性空間的增加、個人隱私權的注重、社區化的規劃、特殊設計考量等原則,冀能提供日後在中長期收容場所相關規劃政策之規範原則,最後透過實際案例的模擬規劃檢証結果,俾利國內遭遇類似災害時,在追求快速、經濟、安全等績效之外,真正達到以人本角度去審視規劃出適用的中長期收容場所,對災民在漫長的重建過程中生理心理的健全與安頓有所幫助。


The immediate relief measure after 921 earthquake occurred in 1999 was the construction of temporary housing, which accommodated earthquake shelters. The temporary housing is, however, gradually being transformed into new “communities” and “societies” and a score of unexpected problems at the time of planning and design are emerging. Thus, how to plan and design post-disaster medium and long-run shelters of high quality is a critical issue. First of all, by literature review, the differences between medium and long-run shelter communities and typical communities will be clarified. Next, from the point of view of environmental psychology, the psychological characteristics and needs of the residents at medium and long-run shelters are identified. Additionally, learned from the regulations and spatial planning in Japan, also struck frequently by earthquakes, several principles, including the expansion of flexible space in temporary housing, the protection of personal privacy, community-based planning, the consideration of special design, for medium and long-run shelters are examined. These in turn can be converted into the principles for related planning policies of medium and long-run shelters. Finally, starting from the humanity except for prompt, economical, safe concerns, and via test of case stimulation, how to build up medium and long-run shelters conducive to the mental conditions of victims during the time-consuming recovery process will be proposed.


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