  • 學位論文


Research Evaluation the Regeneration Resources Used in Taiwan Of Porous Asphalt Pavement

指導教授 : 鄭光炎


在國內營建資源短缺、物價上漲的同時再生資源的利用日益受到重視,業已成為國家發展的重要政策之一。本研究以再生資源中的轉爐石、再生瀝青(RAP)、玻璃砂等現行使用於鋪面的再生資源,評估其應用於多孔隙瀝青鋪面之可行性與成效,進而與新拌多孔隙瀝青鋪面進行比較研究。 以國內目前應用於鋪面材料的再生資源玻璃砂、轉爐石、再生瀝青(RAP)等材料,就其目前處理狀況及使用情形加以說明,並以其材料特性及粒徑分佈決定其可應用於透水鋪面的可行性及可用率。所用研究方法以符合「公共工程施工綱要規範第02797章排水性改質瀝青混凝土鋪面附錄一之排水性瀝青混凝土混合料配合設計」及「公共工程施工綱要規範第02794章透水性鋪面」規範下,將上述材料以改質瀝青Ⅲ型(符合CNS 14184規範)及礦物纖維進行馬歇爾配合設計試驗製作瀝青混凝土試體,進行馬歇爾試驗、孔隙率試驗、室內透水試驗、滯留強度試驗,以評估其多孔隙瀝青鋪面成效。 試驗結果顯示再生資源中的玻璃砂可完全取代多孔隙瀝青鋪面的細粒料部份。轉爐石、再生瀝青(RAP)(取代粗粒料20%)材料因本身質地強度與天然石材相若,其應用於多孔隙瀝青鋪面可達到上述規範要求,達到資源再利用及節省成本的效果。


Due to the shortage of constructed materials and raising price, the using of regenerating resources is more and more popular and even becomes one of the nation’ s development policies. This research evaluates the regeneration resources used in Taiwan, includes the Basic Oxygen Furnace Slag(BOF), Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement(RAP), glass sand and other pavemant materials , and compare their feasibility and results. Furthermore, this research also compares the differences between the regeneration resources and the new-mixing porous asphalt pavement. This research is going to expound that how the pavement materials are used in Taiwan, and analyze different materials’ characters and the way they spreading , in order to judge the possibility of being used in permeable pavement. By the rule of “Appendix Ι- Design of Permeable Asphalt Concrete mixing, The Public Engineering Constructing Project Rule , NO. 02797 , The Changing of Permeable Asphalt Concrete ” and “The Public Engineering Constructing Project Rule , NO. 02794, The Permeable Ground ”, use the above-mentioned materials、 changing asphalt Ⅲ and mineral fiber to make a synthesized asphalt concrete. Take the synthesized asphalt concrete to do the Marshell test, Percent Air Voids test, inside-permeable test and detained-strength test, to evaluate the efficiency of the porous asphalt pavement. This experiment shows the glass sand can completely replace the fine aggregate used in porous asphalt pavement. The intensity of Basic oxygen furnace slag(BOF), Reclaimed asphalt pavement(RAP)(can replace the coarse aggregate 20%)are alike natural stones, and can match the requirement of the above-mentioned rules- be reprocessing and reduce cost.


1.AASHTO T209-05【Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity and Density of Bituminous Paving Mixtures】。
3.AASHTO T269-97(2003)【Standard Test Method for Percent Air Voids in Compacted Dense and Open Bituminous Paving Mixtures】。
9.ASTM D2041-03a【Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity and Density of Bituminous Paving Mixtures】。


