  • 學位論文


Green supplier management and evaluation system: A case study of the industrial PC industry

指導教授 : 陳銘崑


工業電腦產業具有產品少量多樣化、產品之品質要求高,廠商報酬水漲船高、產品生命週期長,顧客忠誠度高與行銷策略普遍採用間接銷售為主,直接銷售為輔四大特性;而且近年來環保意識抬頭,資訊電子電機相關產品須符合WEEE、RoHS法規的規範,並須將環境因素納入供應鏈生產製造活動考量之中;但環境因素不只涵蓋企業本身,其客戶、相關合作供應商、協力廠皆扮演相當重要之角色,如此,考量環保因素下,將衝擊傳統供應商評選所考慮之因素,例如無鉛製程將衝擊產品可靠度。因此本研究欲檢驗觀察,在將環保因素與傳統供應商評選因素一併納入考量時,產業界之供應商評選因素比重將會產生何種變化。再者,工業電腦產業中之供應商,如何有效配合企業,製作出符合環保規範要求,以及少樣多量化高品質要求等特性,滿足客戶之商品,亦為一項重要議題。 本論文使用層級分析法(AHP)為研究方法,來探討工業電腦產業中其供應商之評選準則,並綜合國內外學者之相關文獻研究,及與專家訪談,建立出工業電腦產業其供應商之評選準則要素,歸納為六大構面與19項因子指標,分析結果以供應商之「綠色環保」最為重要,其次為「技術能力」、「服務」、「品質」、「交期」與「價格」;而要因評估指標中以「製程能力」最為重要,其次為「環境管理績效」與「客製化能力」,最後並搭配VIKOR排序法來進行供應商評選排序,挑選出符合之供應廠商。希望透過本研究結果,可提供工業電腦產業在實施供應商評選時有所參考依據,以協助企業能依據客戶的需求,篩選出符合之供應商,快速提供相關產品與服務,來提升企業之競爭能力,創造出更大的價值與獲利空間。


Industrial PC field is an industry that has the characteristics of being diversified-models with less-quantity, requiring high quality of product, having higher profit margin, having high loyalty of customers, being the marketing strategy of selling products indirectly in major and directly in minor. The sense of green overwhelms in recent era, then the electronic/electrical products must comply with WEEE、RoHS directives, and must cover the environmental factor when manufacturing activity is going in supply chain. Nonetheless, the environmental factor covers not only the manufactures themselves, but also their customers, suppliers and related collaborative bodies play the key roles, so, under the consideration of environmental factor, the supplier selection factors will be impacted, for example, the leadless process will impact the products’ reliability. So, this research examines and inspects how the supplier selection factors of the industry will change when has to cover both of the environmental and traditional consideration factors. Furthermore, how the suppliers in the Industrial PC industry collaborate with manufactures to produce products complying with environmental laws and meeting the of high quality and diversified-models with less-quantity requirements to satisfy customers, is also an important topic. This thesis implements Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) as the research measure for probing the supplier selection principle(s) in the Industrial PC industry, and summarizes the related literatures of scholars in domestic and abroad, interviews with experts in the field to find the criteria of supplier selection principle(s) in the Industrial PC industry. It has concluded 6 factors and 19 indices, resulting that suppliers’ 「Green and Environment Protection」is the most important factor, next are「Technical capability」、「Service」、「Quality」、「Delivery」、「Price」in order, and the most important index of factor(s) is「Process capability」next are「Environment management performance」and 「Process capability」in order. Finally, and with VIKOR methord to sort and select of suppliers. Hope it can provide the reference principle(s) for manufactures in the Industrial PC industry to conduct supplier selection, then help manufactures to select right suppliers according to customers’ demands and deliver products and services in fast, and enhance manufactures’ competency to develop more value and profit margins finally.


Supplier Selection AHP VIKOR Industrial PC industry


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賴瑞愷(2016)。應用層級分析法探討供應商評選機制 – 以某製鞋公司為例〔碩士論文,逢甲大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6341/fcu.M0319610
