  • 學位論文

應用空氣監測及擴散模式評估室外空氣污染物滲入室內導致居民 平均壽命與醫療支出增減

Application of Air Quality Monitoring and Dispersion Model to Assess Outdoor Air Pollutants Infiltration into Indoor Air Quality to Life Expectancy and Medical Expense

指導教授 : 曾昭衡


本研究建立室外空氣污染物滲入室內之健康效應模型,室外污染物應用大氣擴散模式AERMOD模擬冬夏季校區周邊污染源排放濃度,實驗監測透過北科校內三場所連續監測冬夏季月平均濃度變化及室外/室內相關比,取得場所實際室外空氣污染物濃度輸入室內空氣品質模式CONTAM,探討室外減量情境(餐飲業、加油站業及車輛數)及室內減量情境(外氣引入量:自然通風100%、水冷式中央空調20%及氣冷式中央空調0%與空調濾網去除率40%及60%)對室內人員健康影響壽命與年醫療支出之增減,以GIS圖呈現室外減量情境改善成效。 室外進行減量情境,夏季以改善CO所獲得增加個人終生平均壽命天數88 日/人-終生及減少年醫療支出268元/個人-年,原因為CO減量幅度大(41.82%),其次,改善O3可獲得個人終生平均壽命天數59 日/個人-終生及1069 元/個人-年;冬季改善CO可獲得增加個人終生平均壽命67 日/個人-終生,減少個人年醫療支出203 元/個人-年;其次為O3,可增加個人終生平均壽命51 日/個人-終生及減少個人年醫療支出926 元/個人-年,由於CO需在高濃度下才有顯著健康危害,故建議管制O3前驅物NMHC為優先考量,夏冬空氣污染濃度差異主因為風向影響所致。 室內減量情境較室外減量情境能有效改善校區教職員及學生空氣污染暴露,以辦公室A為例,當濾網去除率60%時,使用FCU室內減量效益為最大,可增加個人終生平均壽命65日/人-終生及528元/人-年,其室外減量效益為51日/人-終生及423元/年,且 FCU減量效益皆比AHU佳,原因為FCU不引入外氣所致,故推薦小型辦公室裝設FCU。然而,此結果主要探討室外PM10滲入室內情形,但實際情形辦公室不引入外氣易造成室內CO2濃度累積,故建議在場所出風口裝設CO2監測儀供場所管理人員判斷引進外氣時機。


The purpose of this study is to develop an outdoor air pollutants infiltration into indoor air quality accompany health effect model. We used AERMOD to simulate the outdoor air pollution concentrations from stationary sources(restaurants and gas stations) and mobile sources(traffic flow) in summer and winter this year. This research has surveyed criteria pollutants, such as, PM10, SO2, NO2, O3, and CO. Direct reading instrument and Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality Wireless Monitoring Network (AQWMN) has been used to measure those pollutions. AERMOD has also been used to simulate pollutions dispersions results to every grids, and input the parameters such as temperature(℃), emission aperture(m), emission height( m), and the frequency of emissions. Then we input AERMOD simulation results to every grid, so that we can calculate the exposed concentrations. Moreover, using indoor air quality modeling system (CONTAM) in three different kinds air conditions at the school ( Office: natural ventilation, library: water-cooled air-conditioner, and parking lots: exhaust fan )to assess the air pollutions to infiltrate indoor buildings as a function of natural ventilation, water-cooled air-conditioner. And we plot the concentrations distribution by GIS. Finally, using air resources co-benefits model to quantity total exposure about teachers, administrative staffs and students’ extended of life expectancy and reduced medical expenses. We make a reduction scenario about outdoor environment. That reducing CO can get more health benefit in summer. It can extend 88 day/person-lifetime and saving 268 dollars/person-year. The second pollutant is ozone. It can extend 59 day/person-lifetime and saving NT$ 926 dollars/person-year. We found that we should reduce the NMHC emission at the first places. This research revealed that implementing air-conditioner and filter air pollution reduction scenario is more effectively than outdoor reduction scenario.


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