  • 學位論文


The Public Cognition and Preference Towards Scenic Pavilion–A Case study of Penghu National Scenic Area

指導教授 : 蔡淑瑩


澎湖群島劃定為國家級風景特定區後,澎湖的旅遊市場在中央主導下持續成長,至2010年已超過五十萬觀光人次;在環境的營造方面,澎湖已開發建設許多具觀光潛力的遊憩據點,以提供遊客旅遊服務。然而大量的建設不僅影響澎湖的生態環境,亦使澎湖地區的視覺景觀產生負面衝擊,設施建設被視為工業化量產的產品,以及規劃者各自制定設計風格,分別採用不同形式、質材,造成景緻零亂(林晏州,1998)。這些設施雖小雖微量,在傳統建築工程設計中,可能被界定為雜項工程、小型工程、戶外家俱,卻足以影響該整體環境之品質(郭瓊瑩,2003)。尤其在澎湖的景觀、天際線中,最明顯之設施物即為涼亭、公廁等景觀設施。涼亭常配置於遊憩路徑中或地形制高點,又與民眾的遊憩行為密切相關,實為影響澎湖景觀的重要元素。 因此本研究選擇景觀建設中常見的構造物-「涼亭設施」做為調查目標,依個人背景屬性、景觀評估因子、涼亭設計因子等為研究變項,模擬建構出24組模擬圖片為刺激源,以問卷形式進行研究測驗。研究結果顯示:一、個人背景屬性對景觀認知有顯著影響;二、涼亭設計因子對民眾偏好有顯著影響;三、民眾在一致性、神祕性、自然性、地域性有顯著差異;四、民眾在不同環境背景下,其景觀評估認知有差異。最後本研究建議:一、從民眾參與景觀評估中,建構因地制宜的涼亭設計;二、透過涼亭設施的改善,整頓零碎的澎湖景觀;三、涼亭建築形式可搭配當地植栽綠化,將植物外型與建築形式結合,可塑造澎湖的地域風土特色。本研究為第一個建構澎湖涼亭設施田野資料的景觀評估研究,期望研究架構及成果可供後續相關研究參考。


澎湖 風景區 涼亭 景觀 認知 偏好


After being defined as a National Scenic Area, the tourism market of Penghu Islands has been growing under the governmental directions; thus, by 2010 the number of tourists has reached over half a million. As for the developments of environment, Penghu has constructed many tourism attractions with tourism potential to provide the tourists with travel services. However, the large number of constructions have not only affected the ecological environment of Penghu, but also caused the negative impacts, including the facilities known as the mass production of industrialization and the messy view resulting from individually setting up the design styles of planners using different forms and materials, on its visual landscape(Lin Yann Jou, 1998). Although the facilities are small and few, which are probably defined as the sundries activity, small-scale engineering or the outdoor furniture in the traditional architectural engineering design, they are enough to affect the quality of general environment(Monica Kuo, 2003). The facilities such as pavilions and public toilets are the most conspicuous against the landscape and skyline of Penghu. Pavilions, which are often located along the tourism paths and on the commanding heights of terrain, closely relating to recreation behavior of travelers, are an important element to influence the landscape of Penghu. Therefore, the pavilion facilities, common structures in landscape construction, are chosen to be the observation objectives in this research. According to the research variables such as socio-demographic, landscape assessment factor and pavilion design factor, the research has created 24 groups of analog image as the stimuli, and worked on the test through the questionnaires. The results are as follows, 1) socio-demographic has a significant effect on the landscape cognition; 2) pavilion design factors have a significant effect on the preference of the people; 3) people have noticeable differences in coherence, mystery, naturalness and locality; 4) people from a variety of environmental backgrounds show different landscape cognitions. Finally, the suggestions of this research are: 1) to build the pavilion facilities which suit the local conditions in accordance with the landscape assessments with the participation of people; 2) to reorganize the fragmentary landscape of Penghu by the improvement of pavilion facilities; 3) integrating the forms of pavilion facilities with the local plantation, and combining the shapes of vegetation with the forms of constructions to make the geographical characteristics of Penghu. All in all, this research is the first landscape assessment to construct the field data of pavilion facilities in Penghu; expectedly, the format and results of the assessment in question could serve as a reference for the subsequent researches.


Penghu Scenic Area Pavilion Landscape Cognition Preference


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