  • 學位論文


The Effect of New Product Development Strategy for Innovation Performance-A Study of IPC in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李來春


工業電腦廠商為了提升競爭力,常透過開發創新產品,以提高企業營利與品牌價值。產品設計策略將對於新產品的設計佔極重要之地位,如何提升新產品創新與企業理念以達到目標,便成為企業重要之新議題。 本研究首先透過探討相關文獻,做為研究的理論基礎,並透過對工業電腦產業資料收集,並與其參與產品設計策略決策人員訪談、問卷,並採用變異數分析等統計方法,進一步探討其前期之技術、市場策略中所操控之策略因子影響下,對於其提升產品效能績效與增進市場價值績效之影響,以利建構具完整性產品設計策略新模式,並提供學術與產業實務之參考。研究結果發現,創新績效的產品效能及市場價值會因企業採取的技術策略不同而有顯著差異,新產品開發策略會因為企業所採取的策略因子不同而有顯著差異,而企業所採取的新產品開發策略會因為策略因子而分別對產品效能及市場價值有顯著差異,此一研究結論整理如下:(1)中度規模以上的企業應該善用新技術以拓展新的市場,因為新市場比原有市場在產品效能有更高的影響;(2)新技術比原有技術在產品效能有更高的影響;(3)使用改良技術的策略會比使用原有策略的技術會使得市場有較高的價值;(4)使用改良後的技術會比原有技術策略會有較好的產品效能績效;(5)新技術比原有技術可以使得市場價值的平均更高。


New product development is one of critical indicators for corporate competitiveness. IPC manufacturers in order to enhance competitiveness, they through the development of innovative products to improve profit and brand value. Product design strategy for the design of new products accounted for a very important position in enterprise, and how to enhance innovation and business to achieve the goals of the new products become important new issues. At the first, this study through related new product design, strategy and innovation performance of researches, then interviews, questionnaires with product design process of decision-making personnel by using ANOVA methods to explore the relationship between new product design strategy and innovation performance. The result of this research found, product and market value of innovation performance depend by enterprises different strategy. New product develop strategy value depend by different strategy factor. The different strategy factor effective the product and market value. Conclusions are summarized as follows: (1) for Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) should make the best use of new technologies to expand into new markets, because the new market than the original market have a greater impact on product performance; (2) new technologies than the existing technology in higher performance; (3) the use of improved technology strategy than using the original strategy of technology make the market more high value; (4) the use of improved technology will have better product than the original technology strategy performance; (5) new technologies than the market value of the original technology makes the average higher.


何明泉、宋同正、陳國祥、黃東明(1997),“影響設計策略之要素分析研究”, 設計學報第二卷第一期,Page 79 ~ 92


