  • 學位論文


Elementary Natural Science Learning Through Digital Storytelling in Cooperative Learning Groups

指導教授 : 蔡銘修


隨著資訊科技的發達,教師之教學與學生之學習的方式朝多元化的方向發展,「數位說故事」為資訊科技融入教學的其中之一種方式,本研究期以學生將學科知識轉化為說故事題材,並將故事數位化,藉由數位說故事方式提升學生學習之成就。   本研究旨在探討數位說故事輔以合作學習對國小學童自然科學習成就及學習保留之影響。研究採取前測—後測設計及延宕後測之準實驗設計模式。研究對象為新北市某國小五年級學生,實驗組兩班共56人與控制組兩班共56人,實驗組學生接受「數位說故事輔以合作學習」教學,控制組學生接受「合作學習」教學,進行四週「我們來看星星」、四週「聲音的探討」之教學活動。研究目的為:一、瞭解在運用數位說故事輔以合作學習後,對於國小學童自然科學習成就之影響。二、探討在運用數位說故事輔以合作學習後,對於國小學童自然科學習保留之影響。在進行教學實驗、相關測驗後,再進行相關資料的分析與討論。研究結果如下: 一、接受「數位說故事輔以合作學習」教學與接受「合作學習」教學之學生在自然科學習成就表現上無顯著差異。 二、本研究所教學之自然科兩個單元中,接受「數位說故事輔以合作學習」教學之學生在「聲音的探討」單元之學習保留優於僅接受「合作學習」教學之學生,在「我們來看星星」單元兩組則無顯著差異。


Digital storytelling has become more prominent in educational settings as it is one of the ways to engage students to transform knowledge learned in class into storytelling themes. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether digital storytelling complemented by cooperative learning may improve primary school children's science learning. The study adopted the quasi-experimental pretest-posttest-control-group design to investigate whether such intervention may result in higher learning achievement and retention towards science learning. A total of four intact classes were involved, with two assigned as the experimental group (56 students) and the other two assigned as the control group (56 students). Experimental group students were engaged in "digital storytelling combined with cooperative learning" of science while the control group students learned via "cooperative learning" instruction for four weeks. The units included "we see the stars" around, and "sound on" teaching and learning activities. The results of ANCOVA with pretest scores used as covariance indicated a non-significant difference between the experimental and the control group after treatment. For the retention effect, students in the digital storytelling with cooperative learning group scored significantly better in the delayed test for the unit “sound on ,” but not on the “we see the stars” unit.


Johnson, D. W., & Johnson, R. T. (1986). Action research: Cooperative learning in the science classroom. Science and children, 24(1), 31-32.
