  • 學位論文


A Study of Passengers' Willingness-to-Pay to Reduce the Bus Air Pollutant in Taipei City Bus-lanes

指導教授 : 馮正民


公車專用道是對都會區中的公車提供一種保障措施,讓公車行駛於專用道中與汽機車隔離,便於交通尖峰時保有公車專用路權不受塞車之苦,也避免眾多公車上下客陸續停靠路邊站牌時對旁邊的汽機車造成行車交織干擾。但集中的公車流,其柴油引擎排放大量且高濃度的多環芳香烴(Polycylic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, PAHs),影響公車專用道旁候車乘客的健康。本研究假設以電動公車替代柴油公車,以願付價格法詢問乘客願付的價格來改善乘車的環境維護身體健康。 研究分析結果得知受訪者對於台北市的空氣品質感受不良,與環保署監測結果相符。位於公車專用道旁候車的受訪者贊成降低公車廢氣排放的處理成本應由乘客部份負擔及願意支付金額為5元的比例大於一般民眾(C公司員工)。向受訪者提示電動公車的價格時,受訪者所表現出來的態度認為購車成本很貴,但若說明依照台北市公車票價調整公式算出來的電動公車一段票價為20元,則多數人表示與現行公車一段票15元,價差5元對受訪者影響不大,他們願意負擔來減少候車時的空氣污染感受以維護身體健康。


Bus lane is a kind of exclusive facility for bus. It makes bus run in the designated lane which separates with cars or motorcycles in order to let bus has the exclusive right of road to avoid the traffic congestion in rush hours and escaping for interfering with private cars or motorcycles when stopping on road side for passengers getting on and off. But the stopping buses at the same time will generate lots of high concentration of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) which can affect the health of waiting passengers beside bus station. This study assumes that buses use electricity to replace traditional diesel engine by using willingness-to-pay survey to ask passenger how much he is willing to pay for improving the circumstance and healthy when waiting for bus. The analysis result of this survey shows interviewee feels the air quality in Taipei is not good which matches the monitoring results from EPA. The interviewee beside the bus station shows higher ratio of willingness to pay NTD 5 for the extra cost of lowering waste gas emission than other interviewee who seldom waits bus beside bus station. When interviewer informs the price of electricity bus, most of interviewees express that price is too expansive. When interviewer tells them the electrical bus fee is NTD 20, most interviewees shows more acceptances by comparing with currently bus fee of NTD 15; the difference NTD 5 is not so high. Interviewees express they could afford to the price to reduce the air pollution for protecting their health.


Willingness-to-pay Air Quality Bus-lane


[ 3]行政院環境保護署,淘汰老舊車輛及抑制車輛成長可行性評估,民國89年。
[ 4]行政院環境保護署空保處,環境空氣品質監測資料,民國83~97年。
[ 5]行政院環境保護署,空氣品質標準,民國81年4月10日頒布。
[ 6]葉冠纓,“公車專用道環境效益之評估研究",台灣大學土本研究所,碩士學位論文,民國92年。


