  • 學位論文


The Design and Engineering Analysis of Heavy Load Stair-Climbing Mechanism

指導教授 : 鄭璧瑩


台灣的輔具產業缺乏研發上的投資及訓練,更缺乏整體性的輔具設計開發。目前學術界雖然有許多爬梯機的設計,但大部份皆在開發階段。已商品化者則因構造複雜與價格昂貴,使得爬梯機的使用不易普及。本研究為新型爬梯機構設計,期盼能夠提供結構簡單和準確動作之爬梯機構,作為爬梯機構使用者之另一種新選擇。本研究並將所收集之專利及文獻加以整理分類與分析,以作為開發新型爬梯機構之參考方向。 本研究利用系統化的分析問題方法,將爬梯機做一創新設計改善。將顧客需求透過品質機能展開(QFD),有效率轉換為產品功能特性,以便快速找到產品需改善的問題點,最後將結合解決發明問題理論(TRIZ)創意問題的改善方法,利用矛盾矩陣表,得到多方面考量的設計概念。本研究之結果依照TRIZ分析後所提供之建議,對於爬梯機設計及功能特性上,皆有進一步的創新改善。藉由SolidWorks建立3D 模型,以COSMOS- Motion模擬運動,再利用COSMOSWorks進行應力、應變、及位移分析,以確定設計之爬梯機所需的剛性。新設計的爬梯機,可減少馬達輸出功率,因此可用較小馬達。以縮小實驗機測試,讓原本負載60kg的爬梯機,加裝預先儲能機構後,負載可提高至70kg以上。藉此驗證原本設計荷重200kg的爬梯機。


The assistive technology is lack of sufficient fund in researching, and evaluations of ergonomic engineers and machinery designers in Taiwan. Presently, academic research works on stair-climbing mechanism and most of them are still at the developing stage. Commercialized products are with complex structure and high price so that they are not popular for the users. The objective of this research is to design the stair-climbing mechanism which is expected to provide simply-constructed, and precise in movement. This research collects kinds of stair-climbing mechanism from patent and literature for classifies and analyses that provides excellent references to design of future stair- climbing mechanism. Therefore, the problem is analyzed systematically to improve the stair- climbing mechanism by innovation design. Making survey from the customers through Quality Function Deployment (QFD). It is effective way to transforms the product function and characteristic, so the problem can be found and improved fast. Finally it will unify Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ), the method to improve creativity question. Using contradictory matrix table to obtain design concept and suggestion that from various aspects will be consider. Result of the research defers to the suggestion of TRIZ analysis, it still has the further innovation improvement regarding the functional design of stair-climbing mechanism. Using SolidWorks build the 3D model. Furthermore, COSMOSMotion for kinematics simulation, COSMOSWorks is used to analyze stress, stain, and displacement, so as to confirm the intensity of the stair-climbing mechanism designed. This reserch use these methods to design the stair-climbing mechanism. That use smaller motor than befor stair-climbing mechanism to climing stairs. To design the new stair-climbing can load 200 kg. The scale stair-climbing carry more than 70kg from 60kg after mount the spring.


QFD TRIZ Stair-climbing


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