  • 學位論文


Use of ALOHA Combining with GIS to Study the Potential Hazard and Plan the Emergency Evacuation Strategy for Toxic Chemical Substances

指導教授 : 蔡春進


本研究利用ALOHA (Areal Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres) 擴散模擬分析軟體,針對台灣某城市科學園區之化學品進行擴散模擬分析,並結合事故發生風險機率,利用地理資訊系統 (GIS) 繪製風險分佈圖供災害預防參考。另本研究針對重質氣體模式 (Heavy gas) 與高斯擴散模式 (Gaussian) 於ALOHA進行擴散模擬比較,並撰寫視覺化BASIC語法應用程式 (Visual Basic for Application,VBA) 編碼將風險分佈顯示於GIS圖上,以解決過去擴散模擬結果結合GIS程序之問題,及軟體執行程序合理性問題,以預測高風險之區塊。研究結果顯示,以ALOHA模擬磷化氫、氟、氯三種毒化物,發現Heavy gas擴散距離約為Gaussian之擴散距離的2.3倍,重質氣雲模式之洩漏高度與擴散距離成反比關係,且GIS風險評估結果發現高風險區塊分別位於仙水里、金山里、科園里。


This study used ALOHA (Areal Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres) combing with risk assessment and applied GIS (Geographic Information System) to generate risk distributon plots for risk prevention purposes. Comparison of dispersion models between Heavy gas model and Gaussian model was made in ALOHA simulation program, and VBA (Visual Basic for Application) computer code was written to show risks maps on the GIS plots for various toxic gases. This is to resolve the issues of combing ALOHA simulated results and GIS program, and the suitability of the procedure. Simulated results of phosphine, fluorine and chlorine chemicals by ALOHA showed that Heavy gas model yields a diffusion distance that is 2.3 times that by the Gaussian diffusion mode. The leakage height are inversely proportional to the diffusion distance in the Heavy gas model and the GIS risk assessment found that high risk regions are located in the Shianshuei, Jinshan and Keyuan village.


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