  • 學位論文


The improvement of display and control interface in the digital systems

指導教授 : 黃雪玲


目前在核能發電廠中,主控室介面已由傳統的類比系統漸漸轉型為新型數位系統;本研究目的在於探討數位儀控系統之顯示操作介面最佳化。在傳統電廠中,資訊及系統是固定在相對應的VDU上,但是在數位儀控廠中,資訊是顯示於一個「虛擬」的工作站中,在一般操作之非安全系統,含警報系統之處理時,運轉員可以依個人習慣,在相同的VDU上完成所有的工作。這種工作型態大異於傳統電廠,並帶來部份運轉員使用上的困擾;自動化的系統雖然帶來極大的便利性,但也隱含某些未知的問題。 由於運轉員監控電廠狀態,搜尋資訊及完成處理皆是在VDU上進行,故最佳化數位儀控系統之顯示操作介面是十分重要的議題。本研究關注焦點於「VDU資訊顯示及操作型式」之設計,期望可以找出數位儀控中的虛擬工作站是否帶給運轉員更多方便、亦或是困擾。研究透過實驗,比較資訊顯示於「不固定在某VDU」及「固定在某VDU」的工作站上對於運轉員的影響的差異;在實驗過程中,受試者的操作時間、任務績效及主觀評比皆被紀錄,以分析哪一種操作型式較適合運轉員使用。 實驗結果顯示,受試者在操作介面時使用固定模式,能使得運轉員較完善地分配注意力及腦力資源,就心智模式而言,亦讓使用者建立較完整的整體系統架構。在一般運轉情形中,此研究建議可使用「固定模式」來操作系統,但若在緊急情況的時候,使用哪一種操作模式對於操作員的速度及正確性之影響仍須作更深入的研究;而在未來,增設新的電廠時,應考慮增設兩種模式間的轉換裝置,使得操作上的彈性調整至最大。


The analog systems of main control room in traditional power plants have been transformed into the digital systems gradually. The aim of this study is discussing the effects of the display and control interface in the digital systems. The information is displayed in an “non-fixed" workstation rather than fixed on the certain Video Display Unit (VDU). Such working type of the digital systems differs from the traditional power plants and may interfere operators in operating. In other words, automatic system carries conveniences, but also brings unknown problems. Since operators’ monitoring and information processing activities are performed on the VDU, the effects of the interface design are significant. This study focuses on the critical issues, the operating mode with the VDU, to find out whether non-fixed characteristic brings operators more helps or interferences in the advanced digital plants. An experiment was conducted to investigate the contrast between information displayed in a non-fixed and a fixed workstation. The subjects’ operation times, task performance, and subjective rating were recorded to analyze which operating mode is more appropriate for operators. Besides, the latent problems in the present workstation are studied. The results of experiment verified that using the fixed mode. Allows the operators to effectively allocate mental resources, and whole frame of the systems would be clearer and integrated in users’ mental model. The fixed mode is recommended to be more suitable in normal situations, and the flexibility of transformation between the two operating mode should be considered in the present main control room (MCR).


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