  • 學位論文


A Study of Plant-use Strategy in the Dahu Culture Wushantou Phase Based on Starch grains extracted from Stone-knifes and Soils

指導教授 : 李匡悌 李作婷


植物微遺留,是指孢粉、矽酸體及澱粉粒等三種不同型態特徵的植物化石;在20世紀中期以後,針對植物微遺留的科學提取與分析方法逐漸發展成熟,相關的議題發展在植物考古學研究中也越發蓬勃多元。此類研究方法結合地質學、植物學與考古學等數門學科的知識與技術,研究範圍大至古氣候研究、自然環境重建,小至透過器物表面遺留分析與人類齒牙結石中的飲食結構分析,探討史前人群的生活形態。 本研究是以植物澱粉粒分析方法對大湖文化烏山頭期牛尿港遺址(距今2800-2300年)出土的石刀標本與發掘當時所採集的土壤樣本進行分析,透過濕篩吸管法與重液離心法提取當中樣本中可能殘留的植物澱粉粒,並以顯微鏡進行澱粉粒形態觀察與辨識,同時亦建立簡易的現生植物澱粉粒資料以進行形態對照與辨識。希望透過植物考古學中的研究方法,從提取出的遺留中嘗試探討大湖文化烏山頭期人群可能的植物利用策略。 而實驗分析結果最終顯示,即使是經過人為清洗後的石刀,表面仍舊可以採取到微量的澱粉粒遺留;實驗總計在四件石刀標本上提取出9顆澱粉粒,其中有7顆來自三把石刀的刃部,另外2顆則分別來自不同石刀的非使用面。經過形態辨識比對與專家協助初步鑑定,此次研究並未在取樣樣本中觀察到稻屬澱粉粒,但其中有3顆可能來自於小麥族或是黍亞科的植物澱粉粒遺留、2顆來自植物葉片或莖桿的小型澱粉粒,以及2顆近似於塊莖的澱粉粒遺留。除了外來環境汙染的可能性之外,亦有器物附近同時有相關植物組織埋存的可能性。土壤樣本並未觀察到任何澱粉粒的遺留,卻觀察到包含茅芒屬等少量的植物矽酸體,且多來自於容器內部或是有出土後良好保存的土壤樣本之中。這樣的結果也再次證實在保存環境與條件良好的情況下、仍有機會可以從樣本中提取並觀察到植物微遺留。 這也代表著即使澱粉粒分析方法在其他環境變化較為劇烈的地區能適用,但在臺灣仍然有極大的改進空間。希冀未來臺灣能有更多的研究者投入到植物考古學的研究領域,並找出最適用於臺灣環境的研究方法。


The micro-remain, refers to pollen, phytolith, and starch grains. The research method and topics for micro-remains based on the knowledges of the disciplines of geology, botany and archaeology, developed vigorously and widespread from the mid-20th century. The study included ancient climate, environment reconstruction, and discover the ancient people life pattern from the analysis of artefacts and calculus. The study extracted the ancient starch grains from the stone knifes and soils sample from the Niu Niao Kang site, which the C-14 dating 2800-2300 BP and belonged to Wushantou phase of Dahu culture. Through the morphogaphic observation and the data of extent starch granules from the microscopy, the study trying to discover the plant-use stategy of the people lived in the period of Dahu culture. The result indicated that it could find the micro-remains if the samples were under the well-preserved conditions, and revealed that stone-knifes had been washed after excavation, though, still has chances to find the starch grains from their surface. In the experiment, a total of 9 starch grains extracted from three stone knifes and some of them could be identified. After preliminary identification by the expert in the field of ancient starch grain research, suggested that there has three Triticeae or Panicoideae type starch grains, two small starches might be the transient starch from stem or leaf. And two other starches from two stone-knifes’ unused side were identified for tuber. Although there might have the possibility of contamination from the post-depositional environment, it also has possibility of coming from the tissue which buried with the artefacts. However, in the 74 soil samples only found total of 194 phytolith remains such as Miscanthus or sogon grass in 10 soil samples. Most of the phytolith remains came from the soils which were well-preserved by pottery. The result indicated that even the starch analysis method could be apply in the area which have extreme climate, it still needed more research to improve the research method in Taiwan.


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