  • 學位論文


Establishing a cognitive map of public place for blind and visual impaired by using IVEO Hands-On Learning System

指導教授 : 黃雪玲


近年來,隨著科技的發展視障者定向行動輔具已有卓越的進步。尋路是一種解決空間問題的日常活動。為解決這類問題,空間資訊是必要的。地圖可用來作為儲存和溝通空間資訊的有效方式,觸覺地圖則是專用於協助視障者尋路用的地圖。語音觸覺技術的開發,主旨在於減輕視力作業造成之負擔並且給使用者提供更多的互動體驗,該技術結合電腦與觸控板,並於觸控板上放置觸覺地圖,當視障者觸碰地圖資訊時,電腦將給予語音回饋。 因此本研究乃透過IVEO 觸摸學習系統和觸覺地圖的學習,建立視障者於公共空間之認知地圖,並進一步探討空間相關訊息。IVEO 觸摸學習系統結合觸覺、聲音及視覺並且透過聲音回饋和觸摸的互動學習方式來增加使用者學習效率以及興趣。 本研究透過兩種自變項,分別為路線熟悉度及IVEO輔具學習之有無,以實驗設計的方法將受試者分為四組,各組人數為四人的兩因子兩水準之設計,並且執行實際的尋路實驗。實驗路線為受試者從西門町六號出口尋路到台灣數位有聲書學會,並於途中觀察受試者之行為收集相關資訊。此研究於尋路實驗中收集依變項為總花費時間、迷路次數及詢問次數。本研究經過統計分析之結果發現視障者透過IVEO 觸摸學習系統的學習提升了尋路能力,比起未使用此學習系統的情境下,總花費時間、迷路次數及詢問次數皆有顯著減少;即視障者在學習本研究提出之方法後,能有效建構尋路的認知地圖。


In recent years, there has been an escalation of orientation and way- finding technologies and systems for the blind visually impaired people.Way-finding is an activity for solving spatial problems in daily life. Spatial information is necessary to solve such problems. Maps are effective means used to store and communicate spatial information, and tactile direction maps are maps designed for supporting way-finding activities.Audio tactile technology emerged that aimed to reduce the burden onthe sighted guide and provide a more interactive experience to the learner. Audio tactile technology in volvesa touchpad connected to a computer.The tactile direction maps is placed on the touchpad and relevant audio feedback is provided to the blind people when they press on different areas of the tactile. The purpose of this study was to help visual impaired to access and explore spatial information by establishing a cognitive map of public place using IVEO hands-on learning system and tactile direction map. The IVEO hands-on learning system combines touch, sound, and sight, using touch and sound learning modalities to help the blind and visually impaired to learn faster and retain information longer, meanwhile making learning more interesting and interactive. Subjects were divided into four groups in terms of route familiarity and IVEO Aids of exposure, with an equal number of subjects (N=4) in each group. Then, the subject performed an actual Way-finding test to get back and forth between Ximending and TDTB (Taiwan Digital Talking Books 3 association). The dependent variables were total time, number of miss route, and number of request. The results revealed a significant effect of IVEO Aids, and the subjects could perform better through IVEO Aids. This research provided a learning method of orientation and mobility for the blind and visually impaired, and assisted them to be familiar with the route safer and faster.


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