  • 學位論文

幼有所托? 機構式幼兒照顧工作的商品化和運作邏輯

Commodification and Institutionalization of Childcare: Preschools in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林文蘭


臺灣社會的幼兒照顧機構長期以來呈現私立機構盛行的圖像,公立機構的托育機會供不應求。本文基於此經驗現象,試圖提問:「台灣托育機構的市場形成之歷史條件為何?幼兒照顧是什麼樣的商品?幼兒照顧工作的商品化如何運作?」   本研究採取質性研究方法,首先,收集報章雜誌、立法院公報及全國法規資料庫、內政部和教育部的統計資料以及搜尋相關文獻建構出市場圖像。其次,透過田野觀察,進入一家私立混齡幼兒園和一家採取美語教學的托嬰中心進行參與觀察,從中分析各項托育商品化的軌跡及行銷手法。最後,佐以深度訪談來瞭解托育從業人員的勞動處境以及托育機構的高度營利化對勞動人員所造成的影響。   本文的研究發現有三:首先,臺灣托育機構市場化的歷史脈絡有三種發展趨勢,分別是:市場化與市場鞏固的趨勢、性別化的社會福利體制、幼教幼保科系的專業化。其次,本研究重新概念化幼兒照顧這項商品,並找出其商品特殊性在於「教育」和「照顧」特性是它成為商品的關鍵要素,教育和照顧被轉化成為「專業」與「愛」才得以順利販售。最後,托育園所依據其專業與愛的特性,分別對商品特質與人員勞動過程進行理性化的控管。教保人員作為幼兒照顧商品化的擔綱者更被賦予多重角色,分別是老師、媽媽、服務生、銷售員這四種角色,透過園所的各種勞動控制,幼兒照顧商品才得以順利販售。


preschools are the main supply among childcare market. Because the supply of public preschools is not enough, this thesis aims to answer the question that what are the historical conditions for forming Taiwanese preschools’ market; what is the commodity childcare and how does this commodity work? This thesis is based on the qualitative research method. First, collecting newspapers, magazines, Taiwan Legislative Yuan news, data from Ministry of the Interior and Ministry of Education and other references to reframe the preschools market in Taiwan. Besides, this research did the field work in a private preschool and a day care center to collect the data for answering the question that how this commodity works. Lastly, this research uses depth interviews to analyze working conditions of childcare workers and the effects of highly marketization. There are three results according to this thesis. First, the process of forming the market is based on three growing trends: the marketization and the strength of market; the genderization of social welfare policies and the professionalization of childcare. Secondly, this thesis reconceptionizes childcare and finds the distinctiveness of this commodity. According to this thesis, childcare is formed by “education” and “care” and transforms to the commodity based on these two elements. After transforming to the commodity, they have become “profession” and “love” to sell in the market. Lastly, the rationalization of labour is also based on above principle. Besides, the workers play different roles in the preschools, like teacher, mother, waiter/waitress and salesperson. Through this process, the selling of childcare commodity could be possible.


王淑英、張盈堃, 1999 ,〈托育工作女性化及相關政策檢視〉。《婦女與兩性學刊》,10:167-194。
