  • 學位論文


The Influence of European Union’s Immigration Policy on Spanish Policy (1986-2007)

指導教授 : 蔡政文
共同指導教授 : 卓忠宏(Chung-Hung Cho)


為了實踐共同市場的目標而簽訂的單一歐洲法,促使各會員國面對邊界障礙去除後的困境,乃因為外來移民所造成的影響不再是單一國家能獨自解決的問題。因此,早在西班牙預備加入歐體前,其他會員國均擔憂藉西班牙入境歐洲的移民會大增,即使當時的西班牙尚未面臨大量移民潮,為了配合歐體針對非歐盟移民的進入限制下,仍然於1985年制定移民法來管理境內的外來移民,並在歐盟著手規範一個共同移民政策的方針下,不斷立法並嚴格其政策以為因應。 本文研究係以西班牙加入歐體後,在邁向共同移民政策的架構下如何去調整該國的政策為主軸,並以政府間主義分析歐盟移民政策的發展。區域性的經濟整合在發展到一定程度後,會不可避免地引導會員國在某些政治議題上合作,即使這些合作牽涉到一國主權。因此,在何種情形之下,區域的經濟合作有可能發展到足以推進區域的政治合作程度,將是未來區域整合研究的重要課題。 目前歐盟共同移民政策仍在發展中,但在限制移民潮的趨勢下,西班牙配合其要求而採取嚴格的移民政策。然而,大量的非法移民對國家與社會的衝擊,促使西班牙政府必須實施合法化計畫來管控這些移民者。因此,現今西班牙跟歐盟其他移民接納國一樣均處於兩難的情況,欲在遏止外來移民潮與廉價勞工需求之間保持平衡是極為困難的。


Signing the Single European Act was in order to complete the internal market, and all member states of the European Union confronted the elimination of internal border checks. Therefore, the immigration flow became the problem that the single country could not solve alone. Moreover, some member states expressed concern about the accession of Spain to the Union because of its historical ties with Latin America and geographical proximity with the Maghreb. It was feared that there would be a massive influx of new immigrants from these areas. To alleviate tensions, Spain implemented a new policy in 1985 that restricted non-European Community citizen immigration. It was more an immigration law to meet the EC standards than a true necessity, however, as Spain at that time was still an emigration country. This study focuses on the changes of Spanish immigration policy after Spain becomes the member of EC, and analyses the development of European Union’s immigration policy with intergovernmentalism. More the economic cooperation in a certain policy will generate cooperation effects that spill over into other policy, even that involves the country’s sovereignty. It is also the issue that the scholars of regional integration try to research in the future. European Union’s common immigration policy is still on developing, but under the restrictive rules for non-EU citizens, Spain takes the strict immigration policy accordingly. Nevertheless, a large number of illegal immigrants cause the social insecurity, the Spanish government has to carry out some regularization programs to control the migration flow. Nowadays, Spain undergoes the dilemma same as other European country, it is difficult to implement the restrictive migration policy or to meet the demands of cheaper labor force.


Samuel. P. Huntington著,黃裕美譯(1997),《文明衝突與世界秩序的重建》,台北:聯經。
Actis, W., De Prada, M. Á. and Pereda, C. (1999), “Spain” in Angenendt, Steffen (ed.), Asylum and Migration Policies in the European Union, Berlin: Research Institute of the German Society for Foreign Affairs, pp. 291-309.


