  • 學位論文


A Study of Knowledge Sharing Using Mobile Social Networking Application

指導教授 : 方郁惠


隨著資訊科技和智慧型行動裝置的蓬勃發展,行動社群網路應用程式(mobile social networking application,MSNA)發展快速,在台灣,Facebook已經是台灣民眾使用率最高的MSNA。MSNA也隨之被廣泛應用,因具備了機動性、凝聚性、速度性與傳播性等優勢,除了最常用來增進人際交流,也越來越多的社團和群組創立以用來溝通、討論、解決各種報告及臨時性專案。但團隊中因成員害怕向其他成員分享錯誤資訊、擔心分享了獨有的知識將會喪失自己的知識權力,或是害怕知識被有心人士給盜用、竊取等因素,進而隱藏、囤積知識。故本研究以行動社群網路應用程式(MSNA)為研究標的,提出四個假說探討妨礙知識分享之因素:丟臉、失去知識權力、投機主義尋求者,並探討個人之自我調節焦點傾向對社團成員知識分享行為之影響。


With the rapid development of information technology and smart mobile devices, the mobile social networking application (MSNA) has developed rapidly. In Taiwan, Facebook are the most frequently used by Taiwanese. MSNA has also been widely used because of its advantages of mobility, cohesion, speed and its support for interpersonal communication. More Facebook groups and Line groups created for communication, discussion and solving various and temporary projects. However, group members’ concerns, such as fear to share wrong information to others, worry about sharing the unique knowledge, and fear their knowledge to be misappropriated, will prevent them from sharing knowledge. Therefore, this study aims to study the above concerns in the context of MSNA and propose four propositions. This study proposes three inhibitors of knowledge sharing, including losing face, losing knowledge power, and seeker opportunism, and proposes two constructs of self regulatory focus as two moderators between inhibitors of knowledge sharing and knowledge sharing in MSNA. Expected implications for theory and practice are also included in this study.


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