  • 學位論文


Research on Disability Insurance-Centered on the Principle of Fair Hospitality

指導教授 : 羅俊瑋




After the Financial Crisis in 2008, to reform the financial-related supervisions, financial consumer protection has gradually become an important indicator of the progress of financial legal system. Among all the transformations, the most important one is that financial service providers should treat consumers fairly and reasonably, while considering and implementing the rights of consumers at all steps in operating. The disabled has been limited by physical conditions for a long time, due to the obstacles they encounter while participating economic and social life. With limited social participation, they are easily excluded. In 2020, the Financial Supervisory Commission of R.O.C committed that: "The insurance industry shall not treat disabled people unfairly while purchasing insurance, solicitation and underwriting operations shall not reject those applications without any reason. In accordance with the insurance industry’s solicitation and underwriting claims settlement methods, insurance companies shall assess risks and calculate insurance premiums based on actuarial and statistical data. The insurance company shall not treat them unfairly only because their physical or mental issues. If any company fails to comply with the regulation, it will be punished according to law.” This research is trying to investigate the current situation of applying mechanism, solicitation and underwriting procedures for disabled people, along with the case study of recent penalties for violations of the Principle for Financial Service Industries to Treat Clients Fairly by the Financial Supervisory Commission, so as to promote the rights for disables in insurance obtain process in the future.


