  • 學位論文


A Research on the Development of Consumer Finance in Mainland China-Focus on the Consumer Loan and Credit Card

指導教授 : 李志強


近年來,大陸各商業銀行在消費金融服務領域的確向前邁進了一大步,在這波發展趨勢中,最受矚目、被大力提倡並公認具有發展潛力的項目則以消費信貸與銀行卡服務為代表。 大陸的消費金融主要指的就是消費信貸服務,其次則有銀行卡服務、個人支票使用服務、個人網上銀行服務、個人理財服務等。本研究係以消費信貸及銀行卡服務為研究重心。 從世界其它先進國家的民間消費發展歷史來看,信用消費方式是未來重要的消費方式,也是解決有效需求不足,促進就業增長,增進經濟發展的有力手段。消費信貸和銀行卡等消費金融服務對信用消費的增長佔有極重要的影響成份,也間接的影響一個國家地區的經濟發展。作為世界上發展潛力最被看好的經濟體,中國大陸在這塊領域的發展前景是極為樂觀的,也是一直被國家強力推銷的。 再者,先前大陸已承諾加入WTO後外國企業和外資銀行可以介入諸如汽車貸款之類的消費信用領域。著眼於消費金融領域的高利潤率,可預料大陸履行入世承諾後,這塊初級的市場,將是中外資金融機構角力的戰場,消費信貸和銀行卡等消費金融服務也將是大陸銀行金融創新的推手。


Commercial banks in Mainland China are making great advancement in consumer finance business in the past few years. Among this trend, consumer loan and financial cards are generally acknowledged as the most promising business that have been advocated and attracted the most attention. The main consumer finance business in Mainland China is consumer loan, followed by financial cards, personal checks, personal internet banking, and personal money management. This study will be focused on consumer loan and financial card business. Judging from the history of consumption development in the non-government sector in developed countries, consumption on credit will be an important way of consumption in the future, which also serves as a powerful measure in solving insufficient effective demand, increasing employment, and promoting economic growth. Consumer finance services such as consumer loan and financial cards have played important roles in increasing consumption on credit ,and affect indirectly the economic growth of a country or a region. Being one of the most promising economies in the world with greatest potential, Mainland China is optimistic in the prospect of this field and the government sector also promotes its development with constant efforts. In addition, China has agreed to open the market of consumer loan such as car loan to foreign companies and foreign bankers after it enters WTO. With the high profit margin in the business of consumer finance, a fierce competition is expected among domestic and foreign bankers when this primary market is open, and consumer finance services such as consumer loan and financial cards will become the impetus to financial innovation for domestic bankers in Mainland China.


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