  • 學位論文

日治時期台灣的技藝教育 ―以台北第三高等女學校為中心

Art Education in Taiwan at Japanese Colonial Period- Focusing on Taipei Daisan Koutou Jogakkou

指導教授 : 富田哲


台灣女子教育開始於1897年,在士林設立國語學校第一附屬學校女子分教場(以下女子分教場)。日治初期依舊沿襲清朝舊制,不僅仍保有纏足的舊習,一般民衆也認為「女子不需要教育」、「女子不出戶」、「男女七歲(開始)不同座」;而在台各地不斷發生的抗日運動,更導致學校很難招收到女學生。因此教育工作者的首要課題即在讓台灣社會跟台灣家庭理解女子教育的重要性。「手藝」扮演著結台灣人家庭跟學校的角色。另外,透過教育品展覽會展示學生的技藝作品,能將女學生在學校習得的技藝訴諸於視覺效果。因此,教育品展覽會(技藝品展覽會)也在招集女學生上扮演著舉足輕重的角色。 日治時期的技藝教育的內容如下:至1910年代為止,大多採用從清朝開始即與台灣人女性生活非常密切、受到重視的新娘必修手藝。1920 年代引進西式裁縫。到了1930年代後半則以西式裁縫為主流。1937年爆發中日戰爭,隨著皇民化政策的推行,從精神面即推行穿用日式和服,另一方面也因為台灣人生活的不同及戰時體制之故,從「物資節約」「物資更生」的概念來倡導改良西服或既存的服裝。 由女子分教場的變遷可以得知,有眾多台灣人學生就讀的第三高女,一直是台灣人心目中的女性的模範。因此,在報紙或雜誌上刊載台灣人女性就讀的第三高女的種種活動,則可以達到宣傳的效果。 本論文在於透過日治時期在台技藝教育的教育內容及實況,闡明日治時期台灣總督府各階段的教育教育政策以及台灣社會所期望的女子教育和技藝教育的目的。


Education for girls in Taiwan was officially started after the Kokugo Daiichi Gakkou Fuzoku Joshi Bunkyojo (the First Japanese Language School Girls’ Brunch) was established by the Government-general of Taiwan at Shi-Ling in 1897. At that time, it was difficult to recruit students to the newly opened girls’ school. In order to appeal the importance and excellence of education in the school, art works made by the students were displayed at exhibitions. Therefore, it is safe to say that, in the first stage of girls’ education in Taiwan, the art education in school served as a bridge between Taiwan’s traditional families and modern education in Taiwan. In the girls’ school in Taiwan, a traditional art education handed down form Chinese Shin era was a center of school curriculum before 1910s. However, after the late of 1930s, a Western dressmaking also started to be included in the school curriculum. After Japan-China War in 1937, since imperial curriculum was imposed, students had to spend more time on making Western clothes as well as traditional Japanese kimono. During the Japanese colonial period, students in Daisan Koutou Jogakkou (The Third Girls’ High-School in Taiwan) were role models for most of the Taiwanese girls. In this study, both what the real purposes of education in modern girls’ schools established by the Government-general of Taiwan during Japanese colonial era were, and how those purposes were realized through the school curriculum in Daisan Koutou Jogakkou, are discussed focusing on the school curriculum and educational contents of Dsaisan Koutou Jogakkou at that period, especially the art education in the school.


呉文星・周婉窈・許佩賢・蔡錦堂・中田敏夫・富田哲編著(2003)『日治時期臺灣公學校與國民學校國語讀本 解説・總目録・索引』台北:南天書局


