  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study on Relationship between the Banking Employees' Compensation and Performance after Mergers and Acquisitions in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳定國


近年來,臺灣銀行業因應經營環境變遷及面對全球性競爭,興起併購風潮以追求快速擴大企業版圖與達成經營綜效之經濟目標。然而,銀行併購卻也造成員工職業生涯劇變及前程不安定等重重問題及社會後果。 本研究以歷經併購過程之16家銀行員工,共245份有效問卷為樣本,採用「敘述性統計分析」、「卡方檢定」及「相關分析」等方法探討銀行併購後「員工待遇」與「員工績效」間之關係。探討的主要變數有三項,即對待員工薪資與職位的公平程度、對員工薪資與職位的前程發展,及銀行主管與員工之間意見溝通效果等。研究結果並將提供給業者及從業人員參考。 主要研究結論及發現摘要有下列五點: 第一、銀行對員工之「薪資」及「職位」越公平,與員工「工作績效」越高無顯 著關係,但其與員工的「離職傾向」則呈負向關係。 第二、員工的「薪資」發展性越高對員工「工作績效」越高及「離職傾向」越低 無顯著關係。又員工的「職位」發展性越高對員工「工作績效」越高亦無顯著關係,但其與員工的「離職傾向」則呈負向關係。 第三、銀行與員工的「溝通效果」越好與員工的「工作績效」越高無顯著關係, 但其與員工的「離職傾向」則呈負向關係。 第四、銀行併購後,對於員工之「公平對待」程度略低,而「前程發展」程度及 「溝通效果」均偏低,而被併員工認為其待遇略低於主併員工。 第五、雖然銀行對員工有上述「不公平對待」,但員工仍表現很高的「工作績效」, 反映併購後員工在「績效導向」薪資制度及銀行績效目標要求壓力下,必須拼命工作以求收入安定與工作保障,然而,員工也因併購後待遇改變昔日重視安定及忠誠的觀念與態度而存有偏高的「離職傾向」。 本研究建議銀行業者應從「員工待遇」與員工「前程發展」方面提供誘因,建立「賞罰公平」的環境並加強「溝通」,讓員工安心且願意長期留下及奉獻。


Mergers and Acquisitions, Equitable Rewards, Salary and Wage, Position, Career Development, Communication, Employee’s Performance, Working Result, Intention to Leave. In recently years, to meet the changes of business circumstances and global competitions, banking industry in Taiwan is rising waves of mergers and acquisitions(M&A), pursuing the prompt expansion of the enterprise’s dominion and reaching the economic objectives of operational synergy. However, the activities of banking M & A have caused senious troubles to banking employees, who are forced to face the both turbulence and uncertainty in their career development as well as social impacts. The targets of this study are 245 valid copies of questionnaire returned from employees who experienced in mergers and acquisitions. The data analytical methods used in this study are as: “Descriptive Statistics”, “Chi-square Test”, and “Correlation Analysis”. The key variables in this study are: “fairness” in salary & wage and position, “career development” in salary & wage and position and “communication effect” between managers and subordinates. Five conclusions and discoveries have been reached as fellows: (1) No significant relationship was found between the perceived fairness and employees’ working resutl, but fairness has showed a negative relationship with the intention to leave. (2) No relationship was found between the better career development and the more employees’ working result as well as the intention to leave. In addition, no relationship was found between the better career development and the more employees’ working result; however, the career development has showed a negative relationship with the intention to leave. (3) No relationship was found between the better communication effect and the more employees’ working result; however, communication effect has showed a negative relationship with the intention to leave. (4) The results of this survey revealed that the degree of “equitable rewards” to the employees was scored as a little low level, the degree of both “career development” and “communication effect” were scored as very low level. In addition, the employees from being merged banks perceived a little more inequitable rewards than those from merging banks. (5) Notwithstanding the ineguitable treatments from the bank after M & A, the employees still demonstrated very high level of working result. It might be because the employees have to pay more extra time and effort to their job in order to stabilize their income and secure their job under the pressure of new performance payment system and management by objectives system. However, banking employees are no longer paying much attention to career stability and faith to the served bank instead of having a higher level of intention to leave caused by the impacts of M & A. This study suggests that banks should provide employees with motivations in the respect of good employees’ compensation and career development, and establish an impartial environment of reward and punishment system, in addition to strengthen communication effect, to enable employees to stay longer and contribute more to the bank.


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羅文熙(2007)。高科技產業併購後員工離職意願之研究---以 TFT-LCD 產業為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2007.00682
