  • 學位論文


Research of relationship among democratic factors on life insurance agents, their satisfaction on on-job training, and the working effects—take C insurance company as an example

指導教授 : 郝充仁


教育訓練的良窳決定壽險公司是否能永續經營的重要因素之一,現階段業務員面臨轉型唯有透過良好的教育訓練方式,使業務人員發輝潛力,才能擁有市場競爭的優勢;也因此如何篩選合適人員加入壽險業及做好教育訓練則是壽險業的重要課題。 本研究即在探討並歸納出教育訓練成效、業務員個人績效表現、人口統計變項之相關性分析,希望可以有效評估目前不同教育訓練方式效果,以提供改善之道,及協助業務主管了解教育訓練對業務員所產生的影響進而協助業務員業績能有更好表現,另外在增員篩選上能找出適當的AGENT PROFILE 。本研究透過抽樣調查之方法,運用套裝軟體SPSS 進行敘述統計分析、次數分配、單因子變異數、卡方檢定與Pearson積差相關分析等統計分析方法來了解業務人員教育訓練成效、業務人員個人績效表現與人口統計變項等三者之間的關聯性。 本研究發現: 一、業務人員在教育訓練「教室訓練」、「衛星教學」及「網路教學」參訓經驗上,均表滿意。 二、業務人員之教育程度與衛星教學是有顯著差異。 三、業務人員之家人工作支持與教室訓練、衛星教學及網路教學有顯著差異。 四、業務員人口統計變數與最近六月平均每月舉績FYP皆有顯著性差異。 五、業務員人口統計變數與最近六月平均每月招攬件數皆有顯著性差異。 六、業務員人口統計變數中婚姻狀況、教育程度、職級、壽險行銷時間及家人工作支持度與最近六個月的責任額達成率有顯著性差。 七、業務員人口統計變數中年齡、職級、壽險行銷時間、家計負擔的角色及家人工作支持度與每週銷售拜訪量有顯著性差異。 八、業務員人口統計變數與93年公司的年收入皆有顯著性差異。 九、平均每月舉績FYP與衛星教學成正相關 十、平均每月招攬件數與衛星教學、網路教學皆成正相關 十一、最近六個月責任額達成率與衛星教學、網路教學皆成正相關。 十二、每週銷售拜訪量與衛星教學皆成正相關。 十三、93年於公司的年收入與衛星教學皆成正相關。


The quality of education and on-site training is one of the essential factors which decide if one life insurance company can survive and develop In a long run or not. At the moment, the insurance agents face the turn of transition and only through the efficient internal education and on-site training; the agents can develop their potential and own the advantage of market competition. Thus, how to recruit suitable candidates to join the team and how to successfully carry out a good on-job training are two important issues which the life insurance industry must face. The main purpose of this research is to study and conclude the dependence among the training effect, agents’ performance, and some key factors on demography. I sincerely hope one successful method may be found to evaluate the effectiveness of different education and training channels. It will be provided, as a suggestion to improve the training method and assist the sales agents to understand what influence the on-job training will bring on the pursuit of higher performance. At the same time, it can also assist to establish the agents’ recruiting system to select the proper candidates. With application of the sampling investigation and the statistical software SPSS, this research undergoes the statistical analysis on narration, the distribution of the number on times, the single factor of variables, chi-sqsuare and pearson product-moment correlation analysis in order to gain more understanding the relationship among the training effect, individual performance, and demographic statistics. Here are results found by the research. 1.The sales agents express their satisfactions on “ Training in the class room”, “ Training through the satellite broadcasting programs”, and “On-line training”. 2.There exists a significant difference between agents’ academic background and the training on the satellite broadcasting programs. 3.The supports form the family shows a significant difference on the training effects either in the classroom, or on the satellite broadcasting programs, or on the websites. 4.The demographic statistics of the agents have a significant influence on the average first year premium each month they have collected in recent half year. 5.The demographic statistics of the agents have a significant influence on the number of the sales they have completed in recent half year. 6.The status of marriage, the education level, the job position, the time at the position, and the support form their family have a significant influence on the completion percentage of their sales quota. 7.The age, the job position, the time at the position, the role at family income, and the support form the family have a significant influence on the number of sales visits. 8.There exists a significant difference between the demographic statistics of the sales agents and the annual income of C Life in 2004. 9.The average monthly first year premium income is dependent positively with the satellite training programs. 10.The monthly number of sales in average is dependent positively with the satellite broadcasting training and on-line training on websites. 11.The percentage of sales target completion is dependent positively with the satellite broadcasting training and on-line training on websites. 12.The weekly number of client visits is dependent positively with the satellite broadcasting training. 13.The annual income of C Life in 2004 is dependent positively with the satellite broadcasting training.


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張嗣武(2014)。教育訓練滿意度與組織承諾關聯性之研究- 以環境工程業員工為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2014.00859
