  • 學位論文

歐洲聯盟在以巴衝突中的政策立場與作為: 1990-2005

The Political Position and Action of the European Union towards the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: 1990-2005

指導教授 : 蔡政文


歐洲聯盟歷經了1970年代的歐洲政治合作(EPC)和1990年代初期展開的共同外交暨安全政策(CFSP),從原本對以巴衝突的政策分歧,逐漸發展出高度的政策共識,認為在以色列人和巴勒斯坦人之間的衝突持續進行的情況下,中東地區的長期穩定和平跟民主化,就會不斷遭受到極端的民族主義和宗教思想的破壞,並且加深伊斯蘭人口對西方社會和以色列的仇恨和對立。而雖然美國和歐洲聯盟不斷強調中東地區發展民主的急迫性,可是一個充滿對西方社會敵視的中東穆斯林社會,勢必難以發展和諧的和相互尊重的民主政治。因此歐洲聯盟在以巴衝突中的任務,是要改善巴勒斯坦地區的人道、經濟和政治社會發展環境,支持和平路線計畫(Road Map)的進展,並且協助巴勒斯坦人建立民主的、獨立的和可實現的巴勒斯坦國(democratic, independent and viable Palestinian State)所需要的政治組織和制度,因為妥善解決以、巴之間的紛爭是恢復中東地區穩定和平的必要過程。


After the EU underwent the integrative process of the European Political Cooperation (EPC), since the early seventies, and the more complex institutional integration in the ninties, the EU has since gradually cast aside its divergent views toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and developed a high level of political consensus regarding the conflict. The EU emphasizes the destructive effects the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict can have on the greater Middle East. Damaging the long time stability and peace in the Greater Middle East by creating more and more radical nationalistic and religious ideologies, which enhance the clash between the Islamic societies against Israel and the Western world. Although the EU and the USA both continue to lay emphasis on the urgency to develop democratic values in the Middle East, but an Islamic society with a hostile view towards the USA and other nations which are seen as her allies, is bound to fail in creating harmonious and tolerant democratic political institutions. That is why the mission of the EU in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is mainly to improve the humanitarian, economical and socio-political environment of the Palestinian Territories, by supporting the Road Map and helping the Palestinians to establish the political structures and institutions a democratic, independent and viable Palestinian state needs. A just solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is therefore a necessary step towards the creation of longstanding political and societal stability and peace in the Middle East.


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