  • 學位論文


Re-Construction of City Edge: An Exploration of the Spaces under Civic Blvd.

指導教授 : 陳珍誠
共同指導教授 : 蘇睿弼(Jui-Pi Su)


本研究旨在討論城市中因為交通建設所造成的『高架橋下的失落空間』問題,並藉由城市觀察與設計操作,提出具體的方式以重構被邊緣化的橋下空間。首先,由『都市水泥叢林』談起,進而討論城市人與自然的關係,與生活在都市中的無奈,城市繁忙的生活壓力所衍生出暫時逃離的現象,進而討論城市人是渴望親近自然的。並更進一步,針對都市中由交通所主導向而衍生出的巨型結構物,對於都市生活的影響作進一步的探討。 本研究針對交通造成的城市議題進一步討論-城市中的環境罪惡之源似乎都來自於交通問題,間接造成城市中的失落空間產生,例如高架橋下空間,便是『城市邊緣化』的代表。針對行人在都市中應該更被尊重,並對於未來後汽車時代的來臨,提出為『市民』設想的人性化城市。並且,對於失落的橋空間的案例與軟化城市介面的案例進行研究。 緊接著,針對台北市內的橋空間做調查與探討,以瞭解生活在城市中的人,如何看待城市中的橋下邊緣空間。並以『市民大道橋下空間』為主要研究對象,就其歷史與都市涵構做一扼要之瞭解,並討論其面臨的都市性議題,並更進一步的討論未來周邊區域的都市計畫發展,將會提供出什麼樣的改變機會。藉由實地的觀察與記錄市民大道橋空間的現象,檢討有其特色與應該改進的地方。 最後,則綜合以上的討論,提出解決橋下空間『城市邊緣化』的方案,並進一步提出以『公共藝術、穿越與連結、共生、轉換』四個主題作為縫合都市紋理與活化橋下空間的主要方式。針對高架橋與週邊環境所形成的空間做進一步分析,提出市民大道未來的定位,並對於市民大道的空間提出改造策略、規劃、與設計操作上。設計上圍繞在自然元素、軟性材料、與人性空間等相關議題,並針對基地特性,提出改善高架橋下失落空間的方式。


This research is for the purpose of discussing “the lost space under the viaduct of the city”, problem created by the transportation construction, and then proposing the specific way to restructure the marginalized space of the city by observation and design. First of all, started from” cement jungle in the city”, then discussed the relationship between the citizens and the nature, and the temporary thought, out of the pressure, of escaping from the busy city life. And the further, focused on how the mega-structures leading by the transportation influences the city. This research focused on the discussion of the city issue caused by the traffic - the source of the crime in the city seems to be the traffic problem, producing the lost place in the city indirectly. Take the space under the viaduct as an example, which is the epitome of “the City Edge”. The pedestrians should be more respected, and with the coming of post-traffic age, present the idea of the citizen-oriented, humanized city. Furthermore, the case of the lost space and interface of the city are surveyed. And then, this research tries to understand how people living in the city by the observation and discussion of the lost space under the viaduct. To take “the space under Civic Blvd. in Taipei City” as the main research subject, try to have a brief understanding of its history and urban context, and discuss the coming metropolis issues. Finally, discussing what kind of improvement the plan of urban development will provide in the future. By observing and recording the space under Civic Blvd. practically, review its characteristic and the part to be desired. Lastly, this research concludes the discussion with a proposal for solving the “City Edge” under viaduct space. Furthermore, to propose the following 4 themes as the main drive to stitch together the urban pattern and revitalize under viaduct spaces: Public Art, Interweaving & Inter-connection, co-existence and conversion. Focusing on analyzing viaduct's immediate surrounding context and environment leading to redefining the future of Civic Blvd., and to propose a re-generation plan and design strategy. The design philosophy will focus on elements of nature, soft material and humanistic space, with the site characters leading to a plan to redevelop the "lost space" under the viaduct.


特蘭西克Roger Trancik
John Naisbitt
科比意Le Corbusier
Luca Molinari


