  • 學位論文


Representation of Intercultural Image: The Adventures of Tintin: The Blue Lotus

指導教授 : 吳錫德


《丁丁歷險記》是歐洲知名的漫畫,在全球已被翻譯成六十多種語言。本論文的研究文本即是《丁丁歷險記》系列裡的第五本作品《藍蓮花》。故事發生的背景在1930年代的中國,當時的中國對歐洲大陸的人們來說,是個遙遠、野蠻、神秘的國家。因此,作者艾爾吉(Hergé)想介紹這國度給歐洲的人們,呈現某種真實的中國文化形象。 本論文藉由這本與中國文化形象有關的作品,作一跨越性的文化研究,進而探索當時西方人眼中的中國形象。此外,也想暸解作者運用何種方式「再現」中國形象。本論文分成四章節,第一章為跨文化形象的型塑,由跨文化的觀點來探討不同的文化之間要如何溝通,以及如何看待與我們自身相異的他者文化?第二章為法文文學作品中的中國形象,在瞭解跨文化的溝通模式後,此章節由歷史的角度出發,要暸解自我文化,可透過他人之眼所反映出的形象做為借鏡,但從文學作品中又可以傳遞出何種訊息?本章節依序列舉從十八世紀到廿世紀具有代表性的作品,例如:伏爾泰、孟德斯鳩、雨果、梵樂希、克洛岱爾等人的著作,作一概括性的論述。在瞭解中法文化的交流進程與法語世界裡的中國形象後,進入本論文的討論核心第三、四章。這兩章以《藍蓮花》文本裡的文字與圖片相互參照,再進一步探索作者艾爾吉如何突破這百年來西方人對中國的誤識,以及他運用何種方式再現中國形象。最後,再敘述《藍蓮花》的獨特性與成功的地方,並論述在此一研究過程中所引發的相關議題。 張充仁是促成艾爾吉再現中國的重要關鍵,艾爾吉的多元文化信仰與人道關懷則是主要的推力。他們倆共同搭起這座跨文化的橋樑,促使西方人得以窺其中國形象的原貌。藉由這種「文化對話」的方式和過程,截長補短、互取所需、平等對待。從《藍蓮花》的創作背景、艾爾吉和張充仁的交往,我們似乎能印證這種「文化對話」的期待是有可能的。


丁丁 跨文化 形象 再現 他者 異國情調


The Adventures of Tintin is a famous comic strip in Europe and it has been translated into over sixty languages all over the world. This thesis is about the fifth book in The Adventures of Tintin, which is called The Blue Lotus. The story takes place in China in 1930. At that time, China was a brutal, far-off, and mysterious country to Europeans. So, the author, Hergé, wanted to introduce this strange country to Europeans to represent an accurate cultural image of China. The thesis conducts an intercultural study of this work relating to Chinese cultural images to discover how Westerners saw China at that time. Furthermore, the thesis deals with the ways in which the author represented the Chinese image. This thesis has four parts. The first explains intercultural theory. Today, we live in the world which is full of many cultures. How do different cultures communicate with one another? The second part deals with the image of China in French literary works. Taking into account intercultural communication models, the chapter sets off from an historical view. In order to understand our own culture, we can look at it through the images through which other people see us. However, what kind of messages can we get from literary works? Does French literature reflect our real culture? The third and the fourth parts are the most important in this thesis. These two chapters are based on words and pictures in The Blue Lotus. We will discover how Hergé broke with Westerners’ misunderstandings about China and how he represented the Chinese image. Hergé’s Chinese friend, Tchang, played an important role in this intercultural communication. Because of the effort of Hergé and Tchang, Europeans were able to recognize the real Chinese cultural image. Through this kind of intercultural dialogue we can acquire the advantages of other cultures and complement the defects of our own. Nowadays, we think this equal communication can possibly be realized.


Tintin intercultural image representation others exoticism




鄭雅方(2014)。瑪麗•恩迪亞耶《爸爸必須吃飯》劇本之 中譯與評析〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2014.00566
