  • 學位論文


The Information Content of Continuous Transmisission Information for the Underlying Stocks of Taiwan 50

指導教授 : 倪衍森


在股票市場中,「價先行量」與「量先行價」的議題,一直廣為實務界與學術界探討。股票價格的上漲或下跌,會受到成交量增加或減少所影響,而成交量來自於機構投資人與散戶的買賣行為。機構投資人買超或賣超與融資或融劵可視為全體法人與散戶投資行為的指標。本研究針對上述資訊連續發生,採用事件研究法(event study)與台灣50成份股作樣本探討之。研究結果如下: (一)本研究探討的十四類連續事件,均有特定人士在連續事件前買賣股票,為資訊外溢。 (二)機構投資人方面,所有機構投資人連續三天買超,事件日(連續買超的第三天)當天,股價會有正的報酬。當機構投資人連續三天賣超,事件日(連續賣超的第三天)當天,股價會有負的報酬。 (三)成交量方面,成交量連續三天增加,事件日(成交量連續增加的第三天)當天,產生股價向上的趨勢,推動股價上漲。當成交量連續三天減少,事件日(成交量連續減少的第三天)當天,會有股價下跌的現象。 (四)融資與融劵方面,融資連續三天增加或融劵連續三天減少,事件日(連續事件的第三 天)當天,會有股價下跌的現象,而融資連續三天減少與融劵連續三天增加,事件日(連 續事件的第三天)當天,會有股價上漲的現象。 (五)在十四類事件中,在連續事件發生後,只有投信連續三天賣超與融劵連續三天減少兩事件,在事件發生時,不考慮交易成本的前提下買進股票,可以獲利,具有投資價值。


買賣超 成交量 融資劵


This study uses a sample of underlying stocks of Taiwan 50 ETFs over the period 2003-2005. The main purposes are to explore the relationship between market variables (Include of Institutional trade, Volumes, Margin buy and Short selling. ) and stock price. The statistical method is used Event study. The following conclusions are obtained in this study: 1.There are information spillover in all events in this study and someone buy and sell before all event. 2. To influence of Institutional trade, Institutional investors continuously buy three days, stock price is up and sell three days, stock price is down. 3. To influence of Volumes, Volumes is continuously increasing three days, stock price is up and decreasing three days, stock price is down. 4. To influence of Credit trade, Margin buying is continuously increasing and Short selling decreasing three days, stock price is down, Margin buying is continuously decreasing and Short selling increasing three days, stock price is up. 5. To influence of Investment value, there are only two events(Investment Trust institution sell three days and Short selling is decreasing three days) with profit.


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