  • 學位論文

跨國企業全球化危機管理戰略之研究 以台灣高科技產業營運安全管理為例

The study of Globalization Crisis Management strategy for multi-national Corporation,take the example of operation Safety & Security (S&S)management for Taiwan high technology industry.

指導教授 : 曾復生


一、 近年來天然災害及人為工安意外導致重大傷亡並挑戰企業整體危機管理機制運作,危機事件處於一觸即發之狀態;危機管理之有效作為,乃成為各界對科技產業最殷切的期待。亟待結合政府、社會、社區、企業乃至個人,建立正確危機管理意識,並強化災害防救與危機管理機制,避免影響國家及企業之國際形象。 二、 舉世著名企業巨擘比爾•蓋茨有句名言:微軟離滅亡只有18個月。這句話一針見血體現出企業經營者之危機意識,因為這樣,微軟方能不斷進步,在全球IT產業界始終佔據主導地位。危機意識已經成為國外企業文化之主要內涵,而危機管理機制更成為企業營運計畫中之核心。相形之下,國內企業較缺少危機意識,更缺乏應對危機內部管理的制度和機制,企業經營良好時,無人去考慮成功背後可能隱藏危機或發展中潛在危險。一旦出現問題,個個驚慌失措,束手無策,不少企業往往因單一突發危機事件就徹底垮掉。簡言之,領導階層及企業文化中危機意識的欠缺將導致整個組織沒有應對危機意識、機制,是許多企業衰敗根本主因。企業應建立危機管理應有運作模式,以期預防危機、減輕傷害及危機後迅速復原。危機管理系統中,包括風險評估計畫研擬、危害分析、營運持續計劃、動員能量評估及資源運用等機制,均列為營運精煉主軸。 三、 台灣高科技產業面臨全球化劇烈競爭,對於以出口為導向之島嶼經濟型態的台灣而言,為因應全球環境保護及產業環境安全衛生之觀念、策略及需求之關鍵性轉變時刻,政府及科技業者應加快研擬相關緊急應變因應措施,才能提昇企業及國家整體競爭力。


During recent years, unpredictable natural disasters & man-made industry safety mishap challenged the crisis management mechanism for both government and enterprise worldwide. World famous entrepreneur Bill Gate once said:” It takes only 18 months for Microsoft to crash”. This statement clearly clarifies the essence of crisis management awareness for corporate management. Propelled by this mindset, Microsoft keeps growing and improving and lead ahead in highly-competitive global IT industry. For many multi-national corporations, crisis awareness becomes part for corporate culture and crisis management mechanism supports the core of business operation model. Compared to foreign counterpart, local industries generally lack crisis awareness and neglect the potential cost which might cause after accident took place. Facing globalization trend, at this critical turing point, Taiwan, as export-oriented island economic should adapt new concept and business strategy to overcome the environmental and global competition ahead. Government and technology industry should speed up and enrich the study of emergency response mechanism in order to enhance the overall competitiveness of nation and industry.


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