  • 學位論文


The opportunities and challenges of Taiwanese financial sector in China: illustrate with banking sector

指導教授 : 李志強


中國大陸自鄧小平第三次復出領導下,從鄉村農業經濟改革的『聯產承包,包產到戶』起步,揭開中國經濟體制改革的序幕,也確立了整體經濟改革的大方向,而中國大陸每年的經濟成長,引起全球企業的側目,也吸引了全球的資金爭先恐後的流向中國大陸,本研究在此情況下,針對台灣銀行業赴大陸發展的情況做了一番解析,獲得以下的結論。 1.認為大陸開放台灣銀行業登陸的原因為:可獲得大量的外部資金、可幫助開發非儲蓄方面的業務、可幫忙訓練銀行業國際化的人才、溝通較為方便、可加強本國銀行的競爭力、可學習科學的管裡方法、借助台灣經驗。 2.認為影響台灣銀行業赴大陸設立據點的原因和機會有:經濟全球化、資訊通訊科技(ICT)技術快速發展、提早搶進大陸市場和它家銀行做競爭、個人金融業務利基大。 3.臺灣銀行業登陸可行的模式現下有兩種,分別是獨立設立分支據點和結合外國銀行登陸是現在兩種常見的方法。 4.阻礙進入的大環境因素有:中國大陸的金融監理(管)體系不健全、中國大陸財政支赤字日益嚴重、國有銀行跟商業銀行和國家財政牽連相廣、股票市場存在嚴重缺陷、兩岸政策搖擺不定、衍生性金融商品有待開發。 5.台灣銀行業本身的問題則有:信用卡等個人信用業務過度擴張,造成呆帳過高和社會問題、董監事任意個人信用借款,涉嫌虧空經營主體、欠缺大而好具有國際競爭力之金融機構、金融機構家數過多、公股銀行市占率高、台灣銀行家數過多,同質性過高等因素。 6.台灣銀行業在進入中國大陸的優勢有:台商人數眾多,在語言、文化、制度相較於歐美國家有先天優勢,相對於大陸金融機構較具有現代金融操作能力之優勢。 最後,分析歸納出銀行業者登陸可利用的策略為進行組織改造,劃分事業版塊,落實專業分工、調整分行通路,突破區域限制,擴大營運範疇、強化金融商品之交叉行銷與服務,提高獲利能力、引進專業人才等是可運用的策略。


Ever since the Economic Reform led by Deng Xiaoping started in the late 70s, the high annual growth rate has attracted huge inflow of foreign investments. This paper focuses on the background and the associated advantages and disadvantages of extending Taiwanese banks to China. We concluded: 1. The reasons that the Taiwan-based banks are allowed to operate in China are to absorb more foreign funds , to help developing the non-saving related areas and training international personnel , to strengthen the local banks’ competitiveness . Besides, they can learn from Taiwan experiences and there’s no language barrier. 2. What interests the Taiwanese banks entering China are economics globalization, the convenience of ICT communication technology, the potential niche of individual finance, and to move into the Chinese market with huge potential client base before the other foreign banks started. 3. The two most common methods for Taiwanese banks entering China is either setting up branches or subsidiaries or with the collaboration with other foreign banks. 4. The insufficient financial supervision however might pose as a difficult task to handle. Other than that the worsen budget deficit, unpredictable cross-straight policies , the tight control of the government, unhealthy stock market and undeveloped derivatives are also concerns. 5. There are issues that Taiwanese banks need to address within its organization. For example the piling bad-debts from the credit card sector and its social responsibilities, board members abuse to use the personal loan, high market shares of state-owned banks. Besides there are too many similar financial institutions and most of them are small and lacking of international competitiveness. 6. The advantages that the Taiwanese banks in China have are the Taiwanese businessman who works in China, the similarity in language communication 、 system and culture. The management skills are more modern than the local banks. We analyze with the 4P method to conclude the best strategies for Taiwanese banking sector entering China are to reform the organization, to best mach the job assignments, to broaden the distributions, to extend its operation, to strengthen the abilities of marketing and services , to increase the profitability, and to use the best talents.


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黃 志 鴻(2009)。中國開放外資銀行政策之研究〔碩士論文,元智大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6838/YZU.2009.00052
