  • 學位論文


A Study of In-Vehicle Route Guidance in Accordance with Wayfinding Behavior

指導教授 : 董啟崇


本研究認為駕駛者並不會完全遵循一般的導引資訊,導因於個人所接受到的資訊反應可能不同以及對於資訊的需求亦不盡相同,因此除了資訊所提供之基本的即時交通導引資訊外,必須將駕駛者個人的不同需求屬性考慮進去以提供其適用之用路資訊。由於一般的導引資訊主要係提供所計算出來之最短路徑予以用路人,但對於用路人來說此路徑不一定能夠符合其認路時路徑形成的原則。因此為了了解此研究課題,本研究採用附有認路元素之路徑導引資訊方式來進行實驗,透過實驗之反應對資料蒐集進行分析與模式參數校估,以進一步的探討符合個人認路元素之路徑導引資訊對於逐點動態路徑選擇行為之影響。本研究之工作內容主要可分為三部份,第一部份是認知特性的調查分析,利用結構化問卷包括了駕駛人特性:獲取駕駛者之社經特性、自身空間能力高低與對地標依賴程度高低之自評情形等基本資料,並將空間能力高低與地標依賴程度高低情形利用群集分析構成變數,納入第二部份動態控制實驗中之行為模式校估,得以觀察空間能力與地標依賴程度對於個人之路徑決策行為模式的影響;‚認知地圖:以手繪簡圖(sketch map)之方式,即要求受測者繪出某一地區之地理略圖,以取得受測者係利用哪些認路元素來當作認路之基礎;ƒ情境問項:利用情境模擬的方式取得駕駛者於各情境下之認路策略及期望導航資訊提供之方式與提供的認路元素之型式為何;„駕駛者於路徑導引下對認路元素(如:地標)特性的認知:主要係了解調查駕駛者對於路徑導引資訊提供時,對認路元素(如:地標)特性的認知情形;…導引資訊的使用與否對駕駛人認路方式的影響:了解駕駛者於途中使用導引資訊與未使用導引資訊下駕駛者的認路過程是否有差異;†參與第二階段動態實驗的意願。第二部份則是分為兩階段之動態控制模擬實驗,第一階段主要目的則是觀察並蒐集駕駛者在一般導引資訊提供下,個人的逐點動態行為紀錄並校估其參數作為對照組,第二階段之實驗目的則是提供符合駕駛者在認路元素之導引資訊下其逐點動態決策行為模式與校估作為實驗組。第三部份則是經由實驗所取得之決策資料分析兩階段實驗下決策點遵循率變化情形與實驗對照對應之決策模式的比較分析。本研究係以台北火車站至北投溫泉區作為實驗之區域路網,並以無異帶區間之概念來構建個人的逐點動態行為模式,研究結果顯示在符合認路元素之導引資訊提供下,駕駛者對於建議路徑之遵循率確實有比一般導引資訊提供下之遵循率提升;而對於模式而言,透過無異帶實證結果顯示,駕駛者之途中路徑變換決策確實會因為附有認路元素之導引資訊之提供而對於建議路徑之可忍受的無異帶區間變大,亦即表示駕駛者對於符合認路元素之導引資訊確實會使駕駛者在路徑行駛時之遵循率提高與接受度提高,代表此符合認路元素之導引資訊提供具其適用性。


The node-to-node dynamic route choice behavior is of the most interest to study the individual driver’s route choices under the influence of the route guidance information where individual driver makes consecutive route switch decisions along with the traveling route. This particular issue has been successfully modeled with various forms and extensions under the notion of the “Indifference Bands” applied with Probit model specifications by Tong and his students at Tamkang University in recent years. The probability of “switching” or “route choice” at each decision node along the route can therefore be estimated under these model specifications. A concept of way-finding based in-vehicle route guidance has been proposed, where additional landmarks and/or other elements of reference to supplement the route recognition along the recommend route to complete the trip appeared on the guidance map. In this thesis, in addition to a preliminary survey to collect the individual elements of route recognition or way-finding, a two-stage comprehensive controlled experiment has been conducted where selected subjects will be examined in two comparative laboratory simulation scenarios and the results of compliance behavior will be investigated. The first scenario is to provide and update the driver the best (shortest) possible route at each decision node along entire route. From this stage, the node-to-node switching behavior model of each driver can be calibrated with the notion of the indifference band, and the compliance outcomes will be recorded. In the second stage, each individual experiment subject will be supplied with the routing strategy enhanced with elements of route recognition/way-finding at various strategic location based on the results from the preliminary survey. Finally, compliance record will be compared between these two contrasted scenarios to investigate the effect of different routing strategies. The results have demonstrated statistically significant improvement of compliance rate over conventional routing strategy for two variations of best-fitted advises provided respectively.


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