  • 學位論文


A study on problem of the cross-strait marriage

指導教授 : 潘錫堂


隨著地球村與國際化趨勢觀看人口結構之發展,不難發現人口遷徙及國際通婚已成為社會風氣快速變遷下新世代之產物。尤其最近幾年隨著兩岸政治經濟及社會發展的快速變遷,兩岸關係起了很大的變化。國人無論是觀光旅遊、探親或是經商,兩岸的交流接觸日趨頻繁,再加上近幾年來政府逐漸放寬臺商到大陸投資政策,兩岸聯姻者也因而日漸增多,使兩岸的家庭及婚姻問題形成衝擊。本研究欲藉由過去的研究資料探討兩岸的婚姻結合所衍生出來的問題,並提出具體解決之道,以供相關單位參考。 依據上述研究動機,擬訂以下研究目的:(一)瞭解兩岸人民的生活適應情形。(二)瞭解兩岸通婚後在於子女教育的觀點問題。(三)探討國情在於兩岸通婚產生的問題。(四)探討兩岸通婚之認知問題。(五) 瞭解兩岸通婚之生活環境問題,進而提供解決之參考對策。然而,本研究採「歷史研究途徑」(Historical Approach)作為取向,以研究兩岸人民通婚關係的時代背景、發展、衝突與轉折。其中使用內容分析法以及次級資料分析法,在有限的時間中,儘量收集各種不同意見的原始資料進行分析,進而達成研究的目的。 研究結果顯示由於文化上的差異,經常導致大陸配偶生活適應方面發生適應不良的問題,尤其在文字語言溝通、婚姻暴力、社會支持網絡薄弱、語言不通、婆媳關係及不適應不良現象。然而,在於兩岸通婚認知方面、國情問題、子女教育問題以及生活環境方面也是兩岸人民通婚衍生的問題。


According to the development of internationalization, the new development of the migration and the international marriage can be seen clearly. Especially, as a result of the transition of the political economics and social development between the two sides across the Taiwan Strait has been changed instantly, the relation between them has also become more different than before. The connection between the two sides, such as tourism, visiting the relatives or business has become more frequent. Moreover, due to the Taiwanese government has been opened up the opportunities for the Taiwanese businessman to invest in China, the problems of the marriage between the two sides is raised gradually. The research aims to investigate the problems proposed by the previous research and offer a concrete solution to the relevant organizations. According to the motivation shown above, the purposes of the research are: 1. Understand the peoples between the two sides across the Taiwan Strait’ life adapt. 2. Understand the children’s educational problems. 3. Discuss the problems influenced by the culture. 4. Discuss the cognition of the cross-strait marriage. 5. Discuss and realize the problem of cross-strait marriage and propose the proper solution. The historical approach is the main research method in this research in order to investigate the background, development, conflict and the transition of the cross-strait marriage. The methods of content analysis and secondary data analysis are also used to analysis the data of different opinions. The finding of the research shows that the culture differences often cause the adaptation problems, especially when they face the problems of communication, family violence, lack of social support and the problems with their mother-in-law. Besides, the problems of the cognition of the cross-strait marriage, culture, children’s education and the environment derived from the marriage should also be noticed. Finally, the solution of the problems is proposed.


27. 夏曉鵑,流離尋岸―資本國際化下的「大陸配偶」現象(臺北:臺灣社會研究雜誌社,2002年。)
4. 吳慎,大陸女性配偶在臺灣生活適應之探討-以臺北縣市為例,(高雄:國立中山大學大陸研究所碩士論,2004年6月。)
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2. 王明輝,「跨國婚姻親密關係之探討:以澎湖地區大陸媳婦的婚姻為例」,臺北中華心理衛生學刊(臺北),第19卷第1期(2006年3月),頁61-87。
12. 夏曉鵑,「資本國際化下的國際婚姻─以臺灣的「大陸新娘」現象為例」,臺灣社會研究季刊(臺北),第39期(2000年9月),頁45-92。


