  • 學位論文


A Study of Comprehensive Personal Liability Insurance Construct Model

指導教授 : 陳瑞


檢視現行商業型責任保險,已採用綜合型責任保險以分散企業在經濟活動之同時可能面臨之法律責任風險,但個人責任保險卻仍採取零散個別保險方式處理個人所可能產生之法律責任風險。本研究試圖將個人各種所可能面對之法律責任風險,以包裹式方法參考綜合型商業責任保險架構,透過德爾菲(Delphi Method)專家問卷方法,彙整專家學者意見,建構個人型綜合責任保險之可能組合模型,期使提供個人責任保險消費者及經營責任保險之業者,在購買或銷售個人責任保險時,獲得更經濟或更具效益之責任保險組合。


Reviewing the existing Commercial Liability Insurance, advisably it has adopted General Liability Insurance to enable to disperse the possible law liability risk while business enterprise proceeding varied economic activities, however, against the Personal Liability Insurance nowadays still remains the way of scattered individual insurance to deal with all kinds of law liability risks that a person could possibly face. For this research, present objective consideration and procedure as clarified below: 1. Refer to the construction of General Commercial Liability; 2. With the concept of “parcel” to regulate kinds of personal law liability risks that possibly happened; 3. Through the questionnaire of famous professional 【Delphi Method】 to collect the opinions of the profession and scholar related; 4. To organize and construct the possible model for Personal General Liability Insurance. Most important, through this research hopefully bringing more satisfaction for expectation of presenting extreme benefit for both the consumer of Personal Liability Insurance as well as the agent who operate the Liability Insurance while buying or selling the Personal Liability Insurance


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