  • 學位論文


A Study of Learning Acquisition and Learning Adjustment Problem of Junior Study Abroad Student

指導教授 : 高熏芳


本研究旨在瞭解淡江大學大三學生出國研習之學習獲得與學習適應問題為何,除分析大學生出國研習之學習獲得與學習適應問題之現況外,並探討不同個人背景變項的學生在學習獲得與學習適應問題之差異,最後根據研究發現提出具體建議,以供個案大學以及其他大學校院安排在校生出國研習之參考。本研究採自編「大三學生出國研習學習獲得與學習適應問題調查問卷」作為研究工具,問卷進行採普查之方式,共發放313份問卷,有效回收問卷134份,回收率為42.8%,問卷信度Cronbach α值為.865。 本研究結果顯示: 一、學生出國研習之學習獲得整體平均值為3.97,顯示學生出國研習有中高度的「學習獲得」;以面向而言,「自我成長與瞭解不同文化」(M=4.03)為最高,「主動結交不同文化的朋友(M=3.65)則為最低。 二、學生出國研習之學習適應問題整體平均值2.63,顯示學生出國研習並無呈現高度的「學習適應問題」現象;以面向而言,「語言適應問題」(M=3.42)為最高,「心理適應問題」(M=2.21)則為最低。 三、不同背景之學生在3個背景變項上對於「學習獲得」達顯著差異,包含:校區、系別以及交友狀況。 四、不同背景之學生在不同性別、校區、系別、國內遷移經驗、居住國外經驗、國外遊學經驗、國外住宿情形以及交友狀況等8個背景變項上對於「學習適應問題」皆未達顯著差異。 五、「學習獲得」與「學習適應問題」之間具有顯著的負相關。 本研究提出以下建議: 一、對於淡江大學選送學生出國研習的建議 (一)應繼續實施與推動大三學生出國研習計畫,培養學生國際競爭力。 (二)應著重提升學生外語能力之教學。 (三)應瞭解學生在國外可能遇到之適應問題,並幫助學生解決問題。 (四).在學生出國前應提供清楚的行前說明;.在學生出國時應多給予關心。 二、對於各系選送學生出國研習的建議 (一)改變教學方式,鼓勵學生勇於表達並參與討論。 (二)在學生入學時告知大三出國研習計畫,協助提早準備。 (三)鼓勵學生打開心胸、並多用外語交談主動結交朋友。 (四)應協助學生瞭解國外學校之修課資訊並輔導學生於校內先修習與國外課程內容銜接之學科。 三、對於學生出國研習的建議 (一)在國外求學應主動結交朋友與關照他人。 (二)在出國研習前應先為自己做好心理建設以及一切準備。 四、對於未來研究之建議 (一)在研究範圍上:可蒐集出國研習回國學生的意見進行瞭解;亦可針對已實施大學生出國研習計畫之大專院校加以探討。 (二)在研究工具上:本研究問卷結果僅適用於淡江大學,今後若欲瞭解各大專校院實施大學生出國研習計畫之研究,建議可以參考或改編本問卷,以因應各校不同情境。 (三)在研究方法上:可採用質的方法以深入瞭解影響出國研習學習貨得或適應問題之相關因素。 (四) 在研究時程上:可採用同一樣本之三年縱貫法研究以深入瞭解學生出國研習之情形。


The purpose of this study is to investigate learning acquisition and learning adjustment problem of junior study abroad students of Tamkang University. The study analyzed college students’ learning acquisition and learning adjustment problems. In addition, the study also analyzed the differences among student demographic backgrounds. A questionnaire was sent to the total 313 students who participated in the junior study abroad program. There were 134 returned with 42.8% of valid rate. The reliability of the questionnaire is .865 of Cronbach α. The conclusions of the research were summarized as follows: 1. The average degree of learning acquisition of students study abroad is 3.97, which means students have mid-high degree of learning acquisition when studying abroad. Among the dimensions of learning acquisition, “self growth and realize different culture” is the highest (M=4.03) and “initiative to make friends from different culture” takes the lowest (M=3.65). 2. The average degree of learning adjustment problems of students study abroad is 2.63, which means students didn’t encounter too many learning adjustment problems when studying abroad. Among the dimensions of learning adjustment problems, “language adjustment” is the highest (M=3.42) and “psychological adjustment” takes the lowest (M=2.21). 3. The degree of learning acquisition for students varied with different demographic backgrounds, such as “campus areas, “departments with language teaching” and “friends association”. 4. The degree of learning adjustment for students didn’t vary with different demographic backgrounds, such as “gender”, “campus areas”, “departments with language teaching”, “experience of moving”, “experience of living abroad”, “experience of study abroad”, “dwell situation” and “friends association”. 5. There is negative correlation between learning acquisition and learning adjustment problems. The suggestions were summarized as follows: A. Suggestions for Tamkang University in improving junior study abroad program 1. Continually carry out junior study abroad program in order to develop students with international competitive ability. 2. Focus on improving the teaching of foreign language ability for students. 3. Help students solve the learning adjustment problems when they study abroad. 4. Provide specific guidelines including learning and living for students before studying abroad. B. Suggestions for departments in assisting students for study abroad 1. Innovate teaching methods and encourage students to express their opinions as well as participate in group discussions. 2. Acknowledge students about junior study abroad program and assist them to prepare ahead. 3. Encourage students to open their minds and take initiative to communicate with foreigners using foreign languages. 4. Help students understand the course requirements of the foreign universities and assist them to take the courses related to the foreign universities before study abroad. C. Suggestions for students interested in study abroad 1. Make friends when study abroad. 2. Prepare everything before study abroad. D. Suggestions for the future study 1. In terms of the research scope: investigate opinions of those returned from study abroad as well as students participated in the study abroad programs of other universities. 2. In terms of the research tool: modify the questionnaire to accommodate the different contexts if used for studying in other universities. 3. In terms of the research method: qualitative research is encouraged to investigate the factors related to learning acquisition and learning adjustment problems of study abroad. 4. In terms of the research timeframe: longitudinal design is encouraged to study the cohort of students to realize the impacts of study abroad.




