  • 學位論文


The research of higher education system in Vietnam

指導教授 : 楊景堯


國家若致力於高等教育發展,必能有效提高整體經濟生產力,因高等教育是影響知識產出最直接的管道,正因如此,各國都十分重視高等教育的發展,希望藉由發展高等教育進而提升國家知識水平。以全球市場需求觀點觀之,東南亞國家具備相當充沛的經濟發展實力,且不論是經濟、政治或地緣等因素,東南亞各國都與台灣關係匪淺。在過去國內高等教育之研究,多半偏重於歐美及日本等先進國家,較少研究開發中國家之高等教育發展。但近年來,由於東南亞國家已經逐漸顯露經濟之重要性並受全球注目,我國政府更是積極提出南向政策,隨著台商在越南的投資已躍居年度首位,雙邊經貿關係日益重要的情形下,如何協助台商在越南境內取得所需人才,以求台商更在地化的發展下,越南高等教育發展之研究更顯重要。 本研究旨在了解越南高等教育制度之演進及發展,研究目的包括:(1)了解越南高等教育之發展背景,(2)探討越南普通高等教育之現況,(3)探討越南高等師範教育之現況,(4)探討越南高等教育面臨的問題與挑戰。針對越南國內戰爭不斷,造就教育的多樣化,本研究將對越南高等教育之歷史演變做一概述,在不同的文化與歷史交錯下,越南如何在中國、法國、蘇聯、美國等國之影響中,發展自身之高等教育制度,再分別對當前普通教育及師範教育現況做分析比較,最後探討越南高等教育面臨的問題與挑戰。 本研究採用文獻分析及訪談方式進行,主要研究結果越南的教育歷史大致可分成「封建制度時期」、「法國殖民統治時期」、「越戰發生時期」及「全國統一後」四個階段,在封建制度時期,大多移植中國的教育體制,重視政治意識。法國殖民統治時期乃將教育視為一種統治工具,不願意發展高等教育。越戰發生時,北越受到蘇維埃影響較深,故重視專業及分科教育;在南越則是受到美國影響較深,採用美式教育系統,較重視理論與實務應用。越戰結束,全全國統一後至今是先受到社會主義的影響,偏向重視專業及分科教育,但之後由於國內經濟政策的改變,越南從計畫經濟轉變到自由市場經濟,其高等教育也開始蓬勃發展並開始走向市場化。本研究將依據研究結果,提出未來研究及改善之建議。


越南 高等教育


A country can effectively improve its whole economic productivity if it is devoted to higher educational development, because higher education is the most direct channel that influences the knowledge output. And just because of this, various countries attach great importance to the development of higher education, hoping with development in higher education then improve the national knowledge level. By global market demand view, those countries in South East Asia possess quite plentiful economic development strength, and no matter in economy, politics or geographical reason, etc., the tight relation with Taiwan is simple in various countries of South East Asia. However, research of domestic higher education in the past mostly overweight such advanced countries as America and Europe and Japan, it is less likely to study the high educational development in developing countries. But in recent years, because the economic importance has appeared and fixed one's eyes on by the whole world gradually in the country in South East Asia, our government to propose the “South to” policy, and even more, Taiwanese trader actively investment in Vietnam already leap to the first place, under situation that bilateral trading is increasingly important, how to help the Taiwanese trader to obtain the necessary talents within the territory of Vietnam, for a more localized development, it is even more important for the research of Vietnam's high educational development. This research aims at finding out about gradual progress and development of Vietnam's higher education system, research purpose include: (1) Find out about the development background of Vietnamese higher education; (2) Probe into the current situation of Vietnam's ordinary higher education; (3) Probe into the current situation of Vietnam's higher normal education system; (4) Probe into the problem and challenge faced in Vietnamese higher education. As Vietnamese civil war being constant, bring up the diversification of education, this research will do a summary review in the historical development of Vietnamese higher education: how is Vietnam in the influence of such countries as China, France, Soviet Union, U.S.A., etc., to develop its own high education system under the circumstances that different culture and history interlock. Finally, probe into the problem and challenge faced in Vietnamese higher education through the analysis in comparing the current general education and normal education separately. This research adopts the analysis of documents and interview, the main result of study found that Vietnamese education history can roughly divide into four stages: ' feudalism period ', ' colonial of France period ', ' Vietnam War period' and ' united period '. In feudalism period, mostly transplant the structure of education of China, pay attention to political consciousness. French colonial period regards education as a kind of governance tool; it is unwilling to develop higher education. When the Vietnam War happens, it was influenced deeper by the Soviet in the north, so pay attention to the specialty and branch education; influenced deeper by U.S.A. in the south, adopt the American educational system, relatively pay attention to the theory and practice application. The Vietnam War was over, the whole country influenced by socialism first, pay attention to the specialty and branch education, but later because of the change of the domestic economic policy, Vietnam changed from planned economy to the free economy, its higher education begins to grow vigorously and begin to move towards market too. This research puts forward the suggestion studied and improving in the future according to the result of study.


Vietnam Higher Education


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General Statistics Office(2005). Statistical Yearbook 2004, Statistical Publishing House




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