  • 學位論文


A Study of Information Privacy in the Information Society— Focus on the Use of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Systems in Public Places

指導教授 : 劉淑惠


「錄影中,請微笑」這句話道出了現今是一個處處可見監視錄影器的時代,不管走到哪裡都可看見一雙雙的電眼,24小時不間斷地記錄著人們的言行舉止,例如便利超商、金融機構、大眾運輸系統、校園、公園、馬路巷道、社區等,而其普遍為人們所接受,甚至成為公職候選人的競選政見或政績,最主要的原因是以治安為由,有了監視錄影器可以保障人們在受到不當的侵害時,可以調閱監視器的錄影畫面作為證據之用。 本論文回顧現有之文獻資料,藉以探討監視社會理論之發展,以及監視錄影系統與資訊隱私權間之關係。並藉由探討英國、美國、新加坡運用監視錄影系統的發展與經驗,其所引發之相關議題。 透過我國監視錄影系統的發展與政策之推展,以及相關法令之規範,並經由訪談里長、民眾與人權團體的看法與觀點,進一步瞭解我國監視錄影系統在運作上與資訊隱私權間所存在的緊張關係。 本論文之研究發現主要有以下三點:一、監視錄影系統的管理與維修欠缺充足的經費;二、法令規定並不完備,例如,警察職權行使法第10條之授權未明確規定、電腦處理個人資料保護法對監視錄影系統未為規定、地方政府的行政規則無法律之明確授權;三、多數民眾認為在公共場所設置監視錄影系統並不會侵犯其隱私,民眾的考量主要是以治安為主。


The phrase “Smile, You are on CCTV” brings out the issue that nowadays is an era of ubiquitous closed circuit television (CCTV) systems. No matter where people go, they will find pairs of electronic eyes monitoring and recording their behaviors 24 hours a day. Places such as the convenient stores, financial institutions, public transportation system, campus, parks, streets or alleys, and communities, are commonly installed with such devices. This phenomenon has been widely accepted by the public, which even becomes the political campaign or political performance from the candidates for public office. One of the major reasons for installing CCTV system is purported for law and order. In the incident where people are wrongfully harmed, video from CCTV systems can be accessed and served as evidence for protecting the victims. The thesis reviews on the existing literature for collation and analysis, in exploration of the development of surveillance society theories and the relationship between CCTV systems, information privacy and basic human rights. Subsequently, the thesis discusses the development and experiences from England, USA and Singapore in implementing CCTV systems, in addition to the issues arising from. Moreover, the thesis further studies on the current situations and issues between the implementation and information privacy of the domestic CCTV systems, through development and policy for promotion of our domestic CCTV systems, standards related to laws, in addition to conducting interview with the head of neighborhood, public and the human rights groups for their view and perspectives. The thesis has discovered the followings: 1.The management and maintenance of CCTV systems lacks adequate funding; 2.Incomplete laws and regulations. For example, is it not clearly stipulated in the authorization in Section 10 of Police Duties Enforcement Act and Computer-processed Data Protection Act on CCTV, and unclear authorization in the administrative rules of local governments; 3. The public does not consider installing CCTV systems in public places as an invasion to privacy, nonetheless their main concern emphasizes on the purpose of law and order.




