  • 學位論文


Online Note Sharing on a Mobile Self-Guided Tour System with RFID

指導教授 : 許輝煌


本論文主要研究目的是結合RFID與線上註記分享於行動導覽系統。目前常見的博物館或美術館的行動導覽系統,是利用個人數位助理(Personal Digital Assistant, PDA)與無線射頻辨識(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID)技術開發行動導覽系統。先於館內的展覽物件貼上RFID標籤(Tag),再利用PDA外加RFID讀取器(Reader)後,讀取展覽物件上的RFID標籤並且辨識展覽物件上的RFID標籤,最後透過PDA呈現對應展覽物件的介紹資料。      近年來,個人部落格(Blog)或微型部落格(micro-blogging)的熱潮,帶起一股資訊交流分享的風潮,透過個人部落格的建立可以讓每一個部落客達到自我表現之外,也做為各種不同類型資訊互相交流分享的一個平台,部落格的內容甚至也成為一種具有意義的參考資訊。   過去的行動導覽系統與參觀民眾之間的互動較無資訊上的交流,參觀民眾可以透過行動導覽系統對展覽物件進行知識學習,但在參觀的過程之中卻無法把行動導覽系統做為一個資訊互相交流分享的平台,往往在參觀了大量的展覽物件之後也忘了參觀當下的心得,也就更別說在回家之後可以將參觀心得撰寫在個人部落格與其他部落客分享交流。   在本論文主要目的,將目前常見的行動導覽系統架構由展覽物件資訊儲存於PDA改為經由無線網路架構下載展覽物件資訊,並且在行動導覽系統加上可以用mail to blog的方式來達到線上即時註記的分享功能,讓參觀民眾可以透過行動導覽系統做為一個資訊記錄的平台,把對展覽物件的分享短文撰寫於行動導覽系統上透過電子郵件的方式同步發表於個人部落格之中,以達到資訊相互交流。


The main purpose of this thesis is to combine RFID and online note-sharing application in the action guide system. At present, the action guide system used in the museum or gallery is developed by personal digital assistants (Personal Digital Assistant, PDA) and radio frequency identification (Radio Frequency Identification, RFID) technology. The museum exhibition objects are labeled with RFID tags, thus RFID reader embedded in the PDA can identify these RFID tags and perform related information of the corresponding objects.   In recent years, the personal blog or micro-blog (micro-blogging) brings new wave of information sharing. Besides self-expression, the personal blog also can be a platform for information exchange. Moreover, the content of blog can be a kind of worthy reference.   In the past, there was less interaction between action guide system and tourists, people could gain knowledge from the action guide system, but would not make it as an information exchange platform. Frequently, tourists have forgotten the feeling and thinking about the visit after the museum trip, let alone write down their experience on their blog and share with other bloggers.   The main purpose of this study will present an integrated framework of the action guide system. PDA can download exhibition information by wireless network and the action guide system can use “mail to blog” function for sending any messages to blog simultaneously, so that people can share their trip on the real time. Furthermore, the action guide system will be an information-exchange platform in this future.


RFID Blog Micro-blogging Online Note Sharing


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