  • 學位論文

國際航空公司航油單價管理導入系統與知識管理之探討 -以某國際航空公司為例

A Case Study: An International Airlines Developing a New Jet Fuel Price Management System with Knowledge Management Implemented

指導教授 : 蔡信夫


1973年第一次石油危機,西德州原油價格從每桶不到3美元漲到超過13美元。第二次石油危機(1979年-1980年),原油價格從每桶15美元左右最高漲到1981年2月的39美元。經過20年的醞釀,到了2000年油價開始蠢蠢欲動,2003年開始以年平均10美元的幅度推升油價,2003年原油年平均油價每桶31美元、2004年41美元、2005年56美元、2006年66美元、2007年72美元,一路飈漲,直到2008年7月11日盤中創下歷史高點147.27美元後,油價像洩氣皮球陡然下滑。在全球經濟陷入衰退,加上次級房貸、金融海嘯風暴,上演了歷史罕見的系統性金融危機,全球股市、債市、房市三種主要資產齊跌,國際投機性資金進行大撤退,加重國際油價跌勢,在2008年12月23日的油價跌至每桶30.28美元,是自2003年11月25日收盤30.02美元以來最低點。 油料費用支出一直是航空公司的重要成本項目。以個案公司2008年的全年需要油量6.8億加侖計,當油價每桶年平均上漲1美元,一年就要多5億台幣的油費支出。因此,個案公司規劃設計的「油價管理系統 Jet Fuel Price Management System」,藉由系統功能去整合各站別最新的油價資訊,提供決策之用。 本研究以個案公司實際導入新「油價管理系統」為背景,對個案的執行情形進行研究,獲得以下結論: (一)油價資訊為航機加油量多寡的重要參考依據,也是公司預估油費支出的主要資訊之一。藉由新航油單價管理資訊系統支援,提供相關單位評估加油量多寡決策的時效問題,增加公司整體經濟效益。 (二)專案小組的密切合作,經過小組共同研討、設計、規劃,是個案公司發展新油料單價管理系統成功的重要因素。 (三)知識傳遞效用是本案新航油單價管理系統在導入後,呈現在個案公司由顯性知識傳導,逐步擴散為個案公司隱性知識的重要力量。


Since the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries proclaimed an oil embargo on October 15, 1973, the oil price soared unexpectedly from 3 US dollars up to 13 dollars in a very short period. This event was said the 1973 Oil Crisis. Subsequently, the Second Oil Crisis (1979-1980) occurred again in the wake of the Iranian Revolution. The oil price, at that time around 15 dollars per barrel, zoomed sharply to a new record of 39 dollars on February 1981. Entering into the 21 century, the oil price began to progressively screw up by the stimulation of economic prosperity that caused the oil price jumped by an incredible range of 10-dollar annually since 2003, which year its average was 31 dollars per barrel. On 2004, annul average was 41 dollars, accordingly quently the year 2005’s average was 56, then 2006 was 56, and 2007 was 72. The price was spinning up and up almost nonstop, until on the July 11th, 2008, it topped 147.27 dollars for the first time to reach a historic high before closing at 145.08. After that, the oil price plunged as taking a roller coaster by near 80 percent to 30.28 dollars on December 23, 2008. No matter how the oil price up or down at any time, the fuel expense is always the main item of airlines’ cost. As reviewing the case studying company, if the oil price averaged increases one dollar a year, the company’s cost will add 500 Million TWD. That’s why the company was so urgently to develop the ‘Jet Fuel Price Management System’ to provide fuel price information for the top management during their decision making. This research about the Jet Fuel Management System is getting the results as follows: 1. The Jet Fuel Price Management System provides the necessary and up-to-date fuel price information to the persons who need it to make a right decision. 2. Because the working group’s seamless cooperation, the new system can be successfully to obtain an ideal goal. 3. The up-to-date fuel price information and its related knowledge which is a kind of tacit knowledge is gradually disclosed to the company anywhere and becoming the company’s explicit knowledge little by little.


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