  • 學位論文


Benefit of Festivals Tourism : A Case Study of Green Lake Dragon Boat Cultural Festival

指導教授 : 陳志瑋


節慶原是常民隨著季節、約定成俗具有特定主題之風俗或紀念意義的社會活動,近年來在政府「觀光客倍增」、「一鄉鎮一特色」等政策推波助瀾下,據統計每年各地方政府至少舉辦100個以上規模大小不一的觀光節慶活動,政府在積極發展地方觀光時,不再以大政府的心態全面掌控主導權,而是借重民間之力共同合作完成政策目標,因而臺灣社會型態、休閒方式、文化生活亦隨之出現重大改變。 節慶活動的成效往住是展現地方政府推動觀光政策的效益指標之一。本研究以在碧潭地區已有近五十年歷史的龍舟賽,從地方休閒活動經由政府部門、非營利組織和地方人士共同參與,在民間團體主辦、政府單位協辦所形成的治理模式下,經多次轉型成為新店特色的端陽節慶活動「碧潭龍舟文化季」,以文化價值、環境品質和地方競爭力做為探討面向,對推動地方觀光效益進行分析和提出相關的建議。 在研究方法上,本研究屬於質性研究中的個案研究法,以深度訪談作為研究工具進行操作,經由實地參與觀察、相關資料分析,以及安排利害關係人進行訪談後將資料加以分析、產生結論並提出建議。 研究結果發現,因為推動團體中政治人物長期支持和地方人士的積極參與是形成民間團體主導政府部部配合治理模式的主要因素,也使組織結構從「由上而下」轉型成「水平互補」,所以非營利組織也實質參與了活動經費的募集。在文化價值面向,扶植地方文化團體並在活動中加入文化的元素,凝具居民的向心力,使新店成為熱鬧的「龍舟城」。在地方競爭力的面向,則是增加了地方的知名度,引起了公部門的注意投入資源進行建設,達到繁榮地方,活絡經濟等正面效益。但是活動也無可避免在環境品質面向帶來了諸如交通阻塞、空氣污染和流動攤販等負面效應。是以不同組織對活動推動地方觀光效益也各有看法,政府部門重視實質的經濟效益,非營利組織認為活動獲得了公益形象和文化的效益,而地方住民則希望不要因為辦理活動而影響生活環境品質。同時分別向政府部門提出(一)建立評鑑系統,檢討活動效益,(二)培植地方經營能力,民間自行辦理。向非營 利組織提出(一)培養策劃及執行的專業人力資源,(二)加強公私協力,凝具居民社區意識等相關建議,以做為主辦單位日後辦理活動規劃的參考。


According to statistics data, local governments in Taiwan held more than 100 various tourism festivals every year. Among those tourism activities, governments have to rely on the participation of local communities and business to achieve the objectives. Therefore, Taiwan's social conditions, leisure style and life style also changed a lot. Festivals demonstrate the effectiveness of local government to promote tourism policy. “Green Lake Dragon Boat Race Festival” has been held for almost fifty years in Shin-Dain. Because this local leisure activity was participated by government departments, non-profit organizations and local personages, it shows a hybrid governance model which combines non-profit organization and government. This essay discusses the impacts of Dragon Boat Race Festival on local cultural values, environmental quality and local competitiveness, and then make recommendations on the promotion of local tourism-benefit analysis. The study results show that politicians’ supports and local participation are important to its effectiveness of this hybrid governance model. It makes organization structure transform from "top down" model into “equal rank of complementary”. In cultural value aspect, the festival support local cultural organizations and hold activities with cultural elements create centripetal force of residents, and makes Shin Dain as a "Dragon Boat City". In the aspect of the local competitive, it optimizes local reputation, draws attention of government agencies to invest for local construction, and makes local prosperous and other positive benefits. But the Festival also brings some negative effects, such as traffic congestion, air pollution and messy environment. This essay suggests governments to: 1. establish a review mechanism to evaluate the benefit and cost of the Festival; 2. enable local people or organizations to host these kinds of activities. This essay also suggests non-profit organizations to: 1. promote planning and implementation capabilities of their people; 2. strengthen the capabilities of cooperation with government, and increase the consciousness of community within the residents.


臺北縣政府觀光旅遊局(2008),〈2008 臺北縣觀光年報〉。


