  • 學位論文


The Research of Zi-Kai Feng’s Prose Type

指導教授 : 呂正惠


一、研究目的: 本論文從閱讀者的角度出發,研究其散文類型,藉由對豐子愷散文類型的歸類與風格的探討,提供閱讀者、散文創作者及研究者對其散文全貌的參酌。 二、研究方法: 熟讀散文全編,分析與歸納文本為主,並採文獻分析法,參考先進研究成果,整理出散文類型。 三、文獻探討: 文獻分布台灣、大陸、香港、日本、挪威等地。主要集中在大陸、台灣及香港。台灣與大陸在期刊論文及學位論文多有深入的探討,研究主題有藝術觀、漫畫、兒童、佛學哲理、美學、散文論等面向。大陸於1997年在杭州師範學院成立「弘一大師、豐子愷研究中心」,研究中心主任陳星,即是豐子愷的愛好者及研究者,研究著作頗豐。香港的研究多是單篇論文的發表,在早期豐子愷的研究上有開展的引導作用。豐子愷逝世後,首次發表紀念文章即在香港舉行。香港中文大學盧瑋鑾教授,是豐子愷其人、文與畫的景仰者,一直對豐子愷進行有系統的研究。台灣學界近年每年亦投入主題研究,均見斐然成果。 四、研究過程: 從家世、童年、求學、遊學等歷程,探討其散文初始的基礎。從文化背景、人物薰染、刻苦自學的經驗,追溯其散文風格的形成。熟讀文本,分析、整理、歸納其散文為社會人生雜談、情趣散文、哲理散文等三大散文類型。 五、結論: 總結三大散文類型及風格:清和寬容的社會人生雜談、生動盎然的情趣散文、童心慈悲的哲理散文。三大散文類型均貫徹豐子愷「生活藝術化」、「藝術生活化」的創作訴求,足見其落實藝術的平實作法。


First, research goal: The present paper from reader's angle embarking, studies its prose type, because to the Zi-kai Feng prose type's classification and the style discussion, provides the reader, the prose creator and the researcher to its prose complete picture deliberation. Second, research technique: Is familiar with the prose to arrange, the analysis and the induction text primarily, and pick the literature analytic method, the reference advanced research achievement, reorganizes the prose type. Third, literature discussion: The literature distributes places such as Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Norway. Mainly concentrates in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Taiwan and China have the thorough discussion in the periodical paper and the dissertation, the research subject have the artistic view, the cartoon, the child, the Buddhist studies philosophy, esthetics, the prose to discuss and so on to face. China established “great master, the Zi-kai Feng Research center” in 1997 in the Hangzhou Normal school, Research center Director the Chen Sin, was Zi-kai's Feng amateur and the researcher, the research work quite abundant. Hong Kong's research many are the single paper publication, has the development guidance function in the early Zi-kai Feng 's research. After Zi-kai Feng passed away, published the commemoration article namely to hold for the first time in Hong Kong. Chinese University of Hong Kong Professor Wei-luan Lu, is Zi-kai Feng its person, and picture admires, has carried on to Zi-kai Feng has system's research. Taiwan educational world recent years every year also put into the subject research, saw the striking achievement. Fourth, research process: From the family background, the childhood, study, study away from home and so on courses, discusses its prose initial foundation. From the cultural context, character Xun dyes the experience which, studies independently assiduously, traces its prose style the formation. Is familiar with the text, the analysis, the reorganization, induces its prose into the social life chat, the appeal prose, the philosophy prose and so on three big prose types. Fifth, conclusion: Summarizes three big prose types and the style: Clear and tolerant social life chat, vivid abundant appeal prose, childlike innocence mercy philosophy prose. Three big prose types implement Zi-kai Feng “life art”, “the artistic adaptation” the creation demand, indicates it to carry out artistic the level method.



