  • 學位論文


The George W. Bush Administration's Foreign Policy toward Latin America (2001~2008)

指導教授 : 熊建成


20世紀80年代,拉美國家為了發展經濟以及解決債務危機問題,採用了美國推行的「新自由主義」經濟政策。不料,到了90年代後期,拉美經濟開始陷入惡化,社會貧富分化的現象亦有所加劇;於是,拉美人民開始對「新自由主義」進行反思與批判,而拉美新左派領導人也在要求社會公義與社會公正的呼聲中上台,並在西半球形成一支強大的反美軸心。 2001年1月布希總統執政之初,表示將以發展美國和拉美國家的關係作為外交主軸,共同開創「美洲的世紀」;但是,九一一事件發生後,布希政府卻將外交重心轉移到反恐戰爭上,拉丁美洲被擱置在美國外交佈局的次要位置。布希政府對拉丁美洲的忽視不僅促成拉美地區反美浪潮的高漲,同時也導致一些拉美國家發生了政治轉向,使得美拉關係有所惡化。 2006年拉美政治局勢出現左轉後,拉美地區的反美情緒更是達到了巔峰;委內瑞拉、古巴和玻利維亞甚至組成了反美聯盟,抵制美國各項政策在拉美的執行,並在全球大力推行反美外交。有鑒於拉美國家逐漸脫離美國的控制,布希決定親自出訪拉美,試圖挽回拉美民心並重塑美國在拉美的聲望。然而,隨著拉美左翼力量增強以及美國對拉美控制力的不斷下降,布希政府對拉美事務的干預手段也明顯增加,意在削弱反美勢力以及達到分化拉丁美洲的目的,以確保並維護美國在拉美重要的國家利益和霸權地位。 本論文主要透過對歷史文獻與相關資料進行彙整與評析,歸納出布希政府制定對外政策之價值取向與利益目標,從而釐清布希政府制定拉美政策之指導原則與相關理論依據,進一步檢視美國國家利益與政策效益之實踐。


In 1980s, Latin American countries have adopted Neo-Liberalism economic policies to promote economic growth and to resolve the debt crisis. However, in late 1990s, the economic situation and social diaparity in Latin America have suffered steady deterioration. Therefore, Neo-Liberalism economic policies have faced criticism from Latin American people and leftist leaders have come to power and formed an anti-US axis in the western hemisphere. Bush has claimed to pay close attention to US-Latin American relations and to create“Century of the Ameircas”with Latin American countries in early 2001. Nevertheless, after September 11, 2001 attacks, the anti-terrorism wars have replaced Latin America to become the Bush administration’s foreign policy focus. Accordingly, anti-US sentiments and left-wing forces in Latin America have risen to some extent. And the US-Latin American relations under the Bush administration have worsened as well. After the 2006 presidential elections, anti-US sentiments in Latin America have grown to new heights. Venezuela, Cuba, and Bolivia even formed an anti-US alliance to boycott the Bush administration’s Latin American policies and to carry out anti-US foreign affairs in the whole world. Due to the expanding anti-US power in Latin America, Bush decided to visit Latin American countries in 2007 and to restore US reputation. However, facing the expanding left-wing forces, the Bush administration has scaled up the intervention capacity in Latin American affairs. Weakening left-wing forces, ensuring US national interests, and maintaining US hegemonic position in Latin America are Bush’s primary intention in making Latin American policies.


Brzezinski, Zbigniew, The Choice: Global Domination or Global Leadership (New York: Basic Books, 2004), p.242.
Crandall, Russell, Paz, Guadalupe, and Roett, Riordan, The Andes in Focus: Security, Democracy & Economic Reform (London: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2005), p.237.
Ellner, Steve and Salas, Miguel Tinker, Venezuela: Hugo Chávez and the Decline of an“Exceptional Democracy”(New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2007), p.220.


