  • 學位論文


A Study of Factors Affecting Local Environmental Performance

指導教授 : 黃振豊 孔繁華


臺灣是蕞爾小島,在高密度人類社會中,環境污染的影響日漸嚴重,因此環境保護的意識已成為全民最主要課題之一。本研究主要在探討臺灣地區各縣市政府環境績效的影響因素,以2001年至 2008年臺灣地區22個縣市空氣污染(空氣中總懸浮微粒濃度)為負面指標與綠化條件(每萬人公園、綠地、兒童遊樂場與體育場所及廣場面積數)為正面指標作為環境績效衡量標準,探討地方政府在環境管理之結構、經濟、制度、政治四方面對上述環境績效之影響。 本研究主要發現可分為空氣污染及綠化條件兩方面分述如下:(一)空氣污染:(1)人口密度、環保預算經費與環境績效有顯著負向影響;(2)工廠密度、環保人力、政黨與環境績效有顯著正向影響;(3)平均每人每年可支配所得與環境績效呈倒U型非線性關係;(4)就業率、教育程度、縣市長連任與環境績效無顯著性差異。(二)綠化條件:(1)人口密度、工廠密度、就業率、環保人力與環境績效有顯著正向影響;(2)教育程度、環保預算經費、政黨與環境績效有顯著負向影響;(3)平均每人每年可支配所得與環境績效呈倒U型非線性關係;(4)縣市長連任與環境績效無顯著性差異。整體而言,人口密度、工廠密度、環保預算經費、環保人力、政黨與兩項依變數環境績效均有顯著影響;平均每人每年可支配所得與兩項依變數環境績效均呈倒U型非線性關係;連任與兩項依變數環境績效均無顯著之直線關係;就業率、大專及以上高等教育比率與綠化條件有顯著影響,但與空氣污染無顯著之直線關係。 本研究期透過瞭解臺灣地區各縣市政府環境特性、現況及相互比較,可供縣市政府改善環境績效之參考。在面對全球環境問題威脅下,臺灣除善盡地球村一員的責任外,更應對目前的環境,思考在未來社會、經濟發展上,尋求永續保育與利用的良好對策。


Taiwan is a tiny island with increasingly serious effects of environmental pollution in a high-density human society. The awareness of environmental protection becomes one of the most important national issues. The purpose of the study was to explore the factors that affect the environmental performance of different counties and cities in Taiwan, using air pollution (ambient concentrations of total suspended particulates) of 22 counties and cities in Taiwan from 2001 to 2008 as the negative index and using green conditions (total area of parks, green lands, children’s playgrounds, sports venues, and squares per ten thousand people) as the positive index in environmental performance metrics. The paper discussed the effects of the local government with aspects in structure, economics, system, and politics of environmental management on the aforementioned environmental performance. The main discoveries of the study were divided into air pollution and green conditions described in the follows: One. Air Pollution: (1) Population density, environmental budgets, and environmental performance showed significant negative impact. (2) Factory density, environmental human resources, political party and environmental performance showed significant positive impact. (3) The average disposable income per-capita each year and the environmental performance showed an inverted U and nonlinear relationship. (4) Employment rate, education, reelection of county magistrate and city mayors, and environmental performance did not show significant difference. Two: Green Conditions: (1) Population density, factory density, employment rate, environmental human resources, and environmental performance showed significant positive impact. (2) Education, environmental budgets, political party, and environmental performance showed significant negative impact. (3) The average disposable income per-capita each year and the environmental performance showed an inverted U and nonlinear relationship. (4) The reelection of county magistrate and city mayors, and the environmental performance did not show significant difference. In general, population density, factory density, environmental budgets, environmental human resources, political party, and two dependent variables of environmental performance showed significant impact. The average disposable income per-capita each year and the two dependant variables of environmental performance showed an inverted U and nonlinear relationship. Reelection and the two dependant variables of environmental performance did not show significant and linear relationship. Employment rate, higher education rate of college and above, and green conditions showed significant impact however they did not show significant and linear relationship with air pollution. The study aimed to provide reference for county and city governments in the improvement of environmental performance through understanding the environmental characteristics, status and mutual comparison between counties and cities in Taiwan. Under threats of facing global environmental issues, Taiwan not only has to fulfill its responsibilities to the global village but also needs to seek good countermeasures in sustainable conservation and utilization with regards to future social and economic development for the current environment.


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