  • 學位論文

以動機理論設計Google Earth融入鄉土教學之研究

Motivation-Driven Design Model of Integrating Google Earth into Homeland Education

指導教授 : 吳純萍


鄉土教育是一種兼具知性與情意的的教育,鄉土教育的實施可以培養學生認同鄉土、愛護鄉土的情操,和領悟到鄉土與世界的不可分割性。然而在現行教育制度下,鄉土教育因授課時間的不足,使得鄉土教育愈不受重視,亦造成學生不僅對自己土生土長的鄉土認知不足,惶論要對鄉土付出關懷與傳承的行動力。然而Web 2.0科技的進步,使得鄉土教育雖可藉由操作Google Earth軟體,達到使學生有身歷其境的感受,但是教學上卻多著重在Google Earth圖片和功能的使用,缺乏從提昇學生動機與互動分享的角度去設計Google Earth融入教學,以致學生在認知方面雖有所提昇,在對鄉土情懷與認同上卻幫助不大。故本研究立基於ARCS理論設計Google Earth融入鄉土教學的方法,並採用準實驗設計法,以兩班七年級學生為對象,進行雙組前後測實驗,以探討該設計對鄉土認知與鄉土認同的影響。從單因子共變數的分析結果顯示:實驗組在鄉土認知與鄉土認同的表現均優於控制組,且達統計上的顯著差異。由此可知:以ARCS為導向的Google Earth融入教學的方法,除了能顯著提昇學生對於教材主題的認知學習外,亦有助於培養學生對本地鄉土的認同,並可藉此鼓勵學生願意投注更多的心力與時間去發展自己的家園,使自己的家鄉更進步與美好。


Homeland Education aims to cultivate students’ appreciation of their homeland culture and devotion to homeland development. However, the limited educational resources of current educational system have led to students’ insufficient knowledge of the place where they grow up. The virtual environment created in the Google Earth, breaking the limits of learning time and space, enables teachers and students to fly virtually to any sites of their hometown. Therefore, more and more teachers utilize the pictures and functions of this technology. Students’ knowledge of their homeland might be enhanced; however, limited impact on students’ affectively identifying themselves as a member of their homeland was shown. Therefore, this study, grounding on the ARCS motivation theory, aims to design a motivation oriented model of integrating Google Earth into homeland education. The impact of this design was investigated via a quasi- experimental design with pre-and-post tests. Two classes of 7th grade students were recruited and students’ knowledge and Identity of Homeland Culture were examined. The ANCOVA results evidenced that the experimental group performed statistically significantly better than the control group who adopted traditional use of Google earth in the scores of (cognitive) Knowledge of Homeland Culture and (affective) Identity. The ARCS- based model of integration of Google earth into homeland education contributes to enhancing students’ knowledge and identity to their homeland, encouraging their devotion to the development of their homeland, which was supported. Implication on practice and future research were recommended.


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