  • 學位論文


High pressure aerobic granulation sequential batch reactor (SBR) process

指導教授 : 李奇旺


好氧顆粒比起活性污泥的優點在於它的高沉降性、能抵抗較高負荷及變異的進流水濃度。影響好氧顆粒的因子有很多,包含沉澱時間、進流水性質、飢餓期、pH值、溫度、溶氧、絲狀菌等等,但好氧顆粒的常常因為不知名的原因而崩解隨出流水流出,學者認為的其中一項原因是氧氣無法進入顆粒內部而造成崩解。 大部分對於好氧顆粒的高負荷研究都是在15kgCOD/m3-d之內,超過此負荷以上顆粒生長的案例較少,故本研究以高壓反應槽在氧氣充沛的環境之下以廢糖水作為進流水,在5、10、20kgCOD/m3-d三種負荷之下培養並與常壓反應槽做比較,同時觀察是否影響到顆粒的性質及處理水質的效果。 結果顯示在三周的培養過程中,高壓反應槽與常壓反應槽中的顆粒相比,在低、中、高負荷之中都有絲狀菌的存在,但高壓反應槽比起常壓反應槽擁有較少的絲狀菌、較好的沉降性質、較低的總懸浮固體,但在水質處理效果高壓反應槽與常壓反應槽在高負荷之中則是差不多的,而低、中負荷之下高壓反應槽中的顆粒則是比常壓反應槽來的好。EPS的量則是不受氧氣的影響,並不會因為氧氣的充沛而分泌的較多,其分泌量還是取決於飢餓期為主要因素。


好氧顆粒 高壓 造粒 絲狀菌


Compared with aerobic activated sludge process, aerobic granule process has several advantages, such as good settling ability, high biomass retention, strong microbial structure, resistance of high loadings and variation influent concentration. There are many factors affecting granule growth, including selection pressure, starvation time, pH value, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and filamentous fungi, etc. Aerobic granules might disintegrate and are washed out from the reactor with effluent. It has been attributed to the reason that oxygen cannot penetrate the granule core, causing anaerobic condition in the granule core. In this study, aerobic granules are operated under high pressure environment, i.e., high pressure granulation process, to overcome the aforementioned problem. High pressure granulation process along with ambient pressure process were studied under three organic loading conditions (5, 10, 20 kgCOD/m3-d). The characteristics of aerobic granules were compared. After a three-week granulation under three loading, the result shows that both reactors have few filamentous.But the filamentous bacteria in high pressure reactor are not only less than those in the ambient pressure reactor but also having better settling ability, resulting in less total suspended solids in the effluent of the high pressure reactor. Under the same organic loading, COD removal efficiencies are much better in the high pressure reactor than in the ambient pressure reactor. Regardless of the high pressure reactor and ambient pressure reactor, COD removal efficiencies under high loading are worse than those under medium and low loading. In addition, the amount of EPS is not affected by oxygen concentration, and is decided by the starvation time.


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