  • 學位論文

魁北克法語土地長篇小說之研究- 以《讓.希渥,開墾者》這部土地小說為例-兼述土地長篇小說百年來之遞嬗變遷

Quebec French Patriotic Novels : The Studies of Antoine Gerin-Lajoie’s Jean Rivard, the Pioneer and the Evolution of Quebec French Patriotic Novels for A Hundred Years

指導教授 : 喻樑


十六世紀,法國國王法蘭西一世,在新大陸建立一個法國的大殖民地。西元一五三四年,他派了一支由雅克.卡地耶(Jacques Cartier)率領的遠征探險隊,探索美洲新大陸。他們沿著聖佛羅倫斯河深入,到達現在的魁北克,並將當地命名為新法蘭西。十八世紀中葉,法國在新法蘭西地區被英國軍隊打敗,魁北克地區因而被英國統治,最後變成加拿大聯邦的一個法語省。 新法蘭西的移民,最初靠伐木、墾荒、漁獵…生活,當地地廣人稀,自然資源極為豐富,墾荒、農耕、鄉村生活的陳述,成為當地小說家們最佳寫作的題材與泉源。滄海桑田,物換星移,隨著時間的推移,城市一座一座的發展繁榮起來,鄉村人口大量進城討生活,土地小說家們看到這種情形,紛紛寫出許多宣揚墾荒殖民,終究獲得幸福的小說,試圖扭轉形勢,苦口婆心地規勸人們,繼續留在家鄉的土地上生活繁延。以不變應萬變,雖然土地小說固守土地的核心價值,但也忠實的跟隨時代的腳步更新,在故事題材,內容,表現,手法上不斷求新,求變,以致發展茁壯,綿延百餘年,成為加拿大魁北克法語長篇小說中的奇葩。 本文從十九世紀魁北克優秀長篇小說集中,經典土地長篇小說《讓•希渥,開墾者》着手,深入探討土地長篇小說淵源流長的主流價值與嚴謹規範,解析故事的各種寫作手法,了解作者想要傳達的真正價值。作者讚揚土地的開墾、恪遵文化傳統,土地小說早期的內容,只是希望兒孫自己想清楚留下來,在祖先傳下來的土地上,繼續打拼開墾,中期則是希望人們不要忘記自己文化的根,後期則是說明遇到經濟危機時,鼓勵人們大量返回家園,重操舊業,墾荒務農對抗危機。本文將對魁北克土地長篇小說中,人物塑造、出場安排、情節發展、寫作特色,深入分析,同時藉由土地長篇小說中城市、鄉村意象的陳述,了解當時魁北克人的作息生活、社會型態…,尋找當時人文特色與文化傳承的軌跡。


In the 16th century, the king of France Francois Ier sent Jacques Cartier look forward to discovering a new world. At 1534, Jacques Cartier reached North America, and he discovered the St. Lawrence, and he went up the river and founded Quebec. This area was named New France and colonized by France. In the 18th century, the army of this area of the French was defeated by the England. Therefore, Quebec was dominated by the English. At the beginning of colonization, the colonists earn their living by the agriculture, and Quebec is rich of natural resources and has the immense ground. In this circumstances, the life in the village becomes the best topics for the writers. The city develops more and more, but the population of the villages decreases quickly, the writers discover this problem, so they start to write many patriotic novels attempting to be worth the ground and to continue the beautiful life by the agriculture. The writers try to persuade the people to stay on the ground of the native land and to inherit the ancestors. Therefore, this temptation becomes the main value of the patriotic novels. Through study the patriotic novel Jean Rivard, le defricheur, we realize the main value and the rules of the patriotic novel. In several styles of the writing, we try to know the ideas, the value of the ground and the traditon that the author wants to express. Through reading the patriotic novel and analyzing the intrigue and the characters, we can know the life and the culture of the inhabitants of Quebec at that time.


8. Réginald Hamel, John Hare, Paul Wyczynski, Dictionnaire des auteurs de langue française en Amérique du Nord, Québec, Fides, 1992, 1364 p.
13. Mikhail Bakhtine, Esthétique et théorie du roman, Gallimard, Paris, 1978
論文 / 論文集
1. 喻樑,<論法語區文學作品與法文翻譯教學-以魁北克法語區童話,長、短篇小說為例>,《第六屆兩岸外語教學研討會論文集》,淡江大學外語學院,2002。
