  • 學位論文


The dictatorship and the police system of Trujillo in Dominican Republic

指導教授 : 陳小雀


多明尼加自獨立開始,經濟發展狀況不佳,且一直未有良善的應對方針,歷任領導人一味地尋求外援,國內又時常上演爭權奪利的政治鬥爭戲碼,龐大的外債最終致使美國介入其國內政治並操控其海關。 美國海軍的進駐雖然使得多明尼加政局獲得短暫的穩定,但美國試圖重新整頓多明尼加的武裝部隊,因而設立國家衛隊,以警察取代軍人。然而計劃未果,國家內部仍存有軍、警兩種武裝勢力,美軍建立的軍警制度卻在多明尼加留下後遺症,間接造就當時在軍事與警界佔有重要地位的特魯希優,起而建立獨裁政權。 本論文除闡述特魯希優獨裁政權之前因與執政期間之作為之外,並探討國家衛隊中的警察何以變質成為特魯希優統治國家的工具,又美國在其中對於多明尼加與拉丁美洲,甚至對於獨裁政權與其國內軍警訓練,抱持何種態度和扮演什麼樣的角色。另外,內文將藉由分析軍警轄屬關係的重要性,檢視特魯希優獨裁政權下的警察的軍警關係,並檢討拉丁美洲國家的警察行政缺失,亦包括在正常民主發展的國家,警察系統應有的行政架構。


The economic development was poor since Dominican Republic got the victory of independence, the authority neither had good policy to response the problem, nor successively found a better way to solve it. They sought the foreign assistance blindly, and the continuing domestic political struggles as well as the external debt also became the reasons that made the economic development worse than ever, and eventually resulted that the U.S. government took charge in the Dominican Customs. Though the political intervention of U.S. made the country was garrisoned by the U.S. navy, the government of the United States also tent to set up a new system in local armed troop which was organized with police in order to replace the old one, and named the new guards as Guardia Nacional Dominicana. However, the program was difficult to practice because there were the military and the police existing in Dominican Republic, and they played the important roles in the Trujillo Era. This thesis not only describes the cause and the effect of the dictatorship of Trujillo, but also finds the reason why the police became the ruling tool. Strictly speaking, the attitude and the role of the United States is another key reason to explain the later military and police training in the Dominican Republic and even in all the Latin America. Otherwise, the contents involve the analysis of the subordination between the military and the police, and review the defect of the police system in Latin American, it also include the survey of administrative structure of the democratic development countries.


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