  • 學位論文


Incidental Language Learning: Learning Vocabulary from Lyrics

指導教授 : 郭經華


本論文的主要目標是設計一個推薦適合學習者程度歌曲,並找尋歌詞中值得學習的語文單元為目標的音樂學習工具。 此工具會根據學習者程度並以字彙為基礎隨機推薦歌曲,在欣賞歌曲的同時,除可以同步的觀看歌詞內容,系統同時於播放過程中自動標註出擷取的語文單元並翻譯成中文,讓學習者在欣賞歌曲的同時可以了解歌詞中特殊字詞組合的含意。待歌曲播放完畢,回饋記錄將會修正推薦機制的結果產出,使未來的推薦將會更貼近學習者。 研究中將運用資訊技術輔助該音樂學習工具,發揮取之於網路,用之於網路的精神,除學習教材-樂曲來自於網際網路外,利用語料庫擷取出的特徵,將值得學習的語文單元透過Google翻譯功能,藉由YouTube嵌入式播放機制一併提供給學習者。希望這套系統透過網路的便利性,提供學習者良好的英文學習體驗。


多媒體 歌詞 YouTube 推薦系統 回饋 行動學習 API Web服務


The purpose of this proposal is to design an English learning tool that is comfortable for the learner and is able to find targeted linguistic terms from lyrics. This tool will suggest music randomly based on the learner’s vocabulary level. During the music playback, the learner can view the lyrics simultaneously. In addition, to further the learner’s reading comprehension, certain key phrases are translated into Chinese, so that the learner can know the meaning of the phrase in the context of the song. The feedback mechanism tracks the learner’s progress and adjusts the recommended results accordingly. In this research, the use of information retrieval methodology assist this multimedia learning tool to retrieving meaningful linguistic terms through three features retrieve from corpus. The lyrics are available from the Internet. The linguistic terms within the lyrics are translated into Chinese using Google Translate. A YouTube embedded player is available for learners. With these features, the system can assist the learner to use the Internet more effectively to learn English.


Multimedia Lyrics YouTube Recommendation System Feedback M-learning API Web Service


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游文瑞(2012)。以Web 2.0為概念設計適合高中生閱讀學習之英文文章推薦系統〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2012.00627
