  • 學位論文


The Right Brain Sensation Strength Drawing Teaching Applies of Action Research in the Country Small Lower Grade Drawing

指導教授 : 陳慶帆


本研究目的為探討右腦感知力繪畫教學應用於國小低年級的繪畫課程中,是否能提昇兒童繪畫上主題的表現能力。於研究課程進行之前,研究者先做了研究對象的背景分析,其因家庭經濟背景較優渥,所以生活刺激多元而豐富,在多數兒童都有或曾經習畫的情況下,到了寫實潛伏期前,卻出現對於自己的圖畫沒有信心而不敢下筆的穹境。 本研究以Betty Edwards 的「R模式」繪畫理論為依據,依研究對象特質為考量,設計了「右腦感知力繪畫教學」前後共六週的循環性課程,於第一週先進行前測圖畫,再經過中間為期四週的右腦感知力繪畫教學,運用觀察策略,改其觀看描繪主題的方法,再進行後測圖畫繪圖,其間以「高原式策略」與「尖峰式策略」進行課程引導。 在兒童學習成效評估方面:以研究者自製的「右腦感知力評量表」進行研究對象的作品評量,評量項目共分四大項,其下又分為 十三細項,以此評量兒童在前後測圖畫上的差異。最後,對評量分數做統計分析時,以t檢定檢視其效果的顯著性。 本研究結果如下: 一、「線條輪廓」單元項目,其練習活動評量成效明顯。 二、「空間形狀」單元項目,其練習活動評量成效明顯。 三、「相互關係」單元項目,其練習活動評量成效明顯。 四、兒童於繪畫主題的表現能力上,前後測之整體表現,有明   顯的改變。 最後,研究者根據以上研究結果提出教學實務上的建議,以做為未來教學與研究的參考。


Abstract: This research goal to discuss the right brain sensation strength drawing teaching to apply in the country small lower grade drawing curriculum, whether can promote in the child drawing subject performance ability. Carries on before the research curriculum, the researcher has made the object of study background analysis first, its reason home economics background is liberal, therefore life stimulation multi-dimensional and rich, in the most children had or once practiced the picture in the situation, to the practical ambush ahead of time, actually appeared regarding own drawing does not have the arched boundary which the confidence did not dare to start writing. This research take Betty Edwards “the R pattern” the drawing theory as the basis, according to the object of study special characteristic is the consideration, has designed “the right brain sensation strength drawing teaching” around an altogether six week-long cycle of operations curriculum, carries on first before the first week measures the drawing, then among the process for the time right brain sensation strength drawing teaching all around, the utilization observation strategy, changes its onlooking description subject the method, after then carries on, measures the drawing cartography, during and “the peak type strategy” carries on the curriculum by “the high original strategy” to guide. Studies the result appraisal aspect in the child: “The right brain sensation strength comments the meter” by the researcher self-restraint to carry on the object of study to make the appraisal quantity, comments the quantity project to be divided four major terms, its under divides into 13 thin items, comments the quantity child by the difference which marks in the around mapping. Finally, to comments when the weighing out number makes the statistical analysis, by the t examination inspects its effect the significance. This findings are as follows: First, “the line outline” the unit project, its practice comments the quantity result to be obvious. Second, “the spatial shape” the unit project, its practice comments the quantity result to be obvious. Third, “the reciprocity” the unit project, its practice comments the quantity result to be obvious. Fourth, the child in drawing subject's performance ability, around measured that the whole performance, has bright change obviously. Above finally, the researcher according to the findings to put forward in the teaching practice proposal, take will do as the future teaching and the research reference.


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