  • 學位論文


Research Topics in the field of Information Systems: A Content Analysis of IS Journals

指導教授 : 吳錦波


隨著1990年代起資訊科技能力的日新月異與網際網路的蓬勃發展,資訊系統已成為組織賴以生存與創造價值不可或缺的工具。由於資訊系統的焦點不只限於技術,還結合社會行為觀點,因此不論是學術或實務上,資訊系統議題一直是備受關注的焦點。然而,目前似乎只有相對較少的研究是從學術方面來瞭解資訊系統的議題發展,故本研究目的在探討近年來國際學術上對資訊系統研究之現況與發展趨勢。本研究採用內容分析方法,使用國際學術資訊系統領導性期刊為研究對象。資料分析方法則採用敘述性統計、差異性檢定來進行交叉分析,以瞭解資訊系統研究的現況、特質與發展趨勢。研究結果顯示資訊系統研究是呈平緩且穩定的發展狀態,議題變化並無規律性,不同學術期刊所著重的議題特性有所差異,但整體上是以企業相關的管理面、控制面和外部面為主,其中「評估資訊系統的績效(IS Effectiveness Measurement)」和「使用者評價(User appreciation) 」議題一直是學術上兩大主要關注議題。總而言之,本研究除了希望能幫助實務界和學術界瞭解近年來國際學術資訊系統研究的現況與趨勢外,也能深入瞭解資訊系統議題的特性和研究重點,以協助於資訊系統之教學者和研究者作為未來課程調整、研究方向和投稿目標選取之參考。


Information systems have become indispensable tools for survival and value creating of organization, along with the advancement of information technology and the growth of Internet since 1990s. Since the focus of information systems is not only on technology, but also on the social perspective of behavior. As a result, whether academia or practices, information systems issues have always been paid close attention. However, few studies have conducted from the view of academia to understand the trend of information issues. Thus, the purpose of this research is to investigate the global developmental trends of information systems. This research used Content Analysis to study the international leading academic journals in the field of information systems. Descriptive statistics and difference tests are the data analysis methods used to understand the status, characteristics, and trends of IS research. The results show that information systems research is slow, stable and no regular rule of topic change. Different journal emphasizes on different subjects, but are mainly about enterprise management, control, and external view. “IS Effectiveness Measurement” and “User Appreciation” are two major academic subjects among them. Overall, this research, aiming at understanding important topic trends in information systems, will enable instructors and researchers of information systems to make a better choice in course content adjustment, research direction and publication.


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