  • 學位論文


Analysis of import industrial of Shopping Center development – A case of Taipei City Hall bus station

指導教授 : 劉士仙


過去有關大型購物中心之開發策略,於學術面上,並未針對商店選擇為主題,進行深入討論,然而,開發商面對招商,僅能依據經驗法則或店家競標金額多寡而決定商店的進駐,對於潛在消費者的特性與需求並不了解,產生店家服務與潛在顧客需求間之落差,導致日後常發生經營不善之情形,因而無法永續經營,故如何整合消費者特性,建構其商店選擇間之關連,以提供最適進駐商家,亦為目前開發商迫切需要了解的課題。 本研究以開發商之觀點,藉由商店選擇理論,探討當中之因果關係,並利用路徑分析與灰關聯,以平日和假日做為調節變數,探究潛在消費者特性至商店選擇間之關連,以提供嚴謹符合市場需求之整合招商資訊。 表單編號:ATRX-Q03-001-FM030-01


The strategies of recruiting business sectors for developing a shopping center have not been discussed in academic, however the recruiting process commonly depends on the priority of the highest bidding price or the work experience of the bidding host or hostess. Without sense and deep insights related to the business sectors associated with the potential customer’s preferences, the operation of shopping center usually ends up with a failure. Therefore, how to bridge the demand and the supply sides, the developer could make a successful business model always to be an important issue. This study applies the choice theory and uses path analysis as the base to explore the causality relationship between customers and adequate coming business sectors. Employing gray relation analysis with weekday and holiday as moderator, we explicit and connect the information from the initial customer’s preference to final business sector selection. Finally, a brand new result of recruiting business sectors on the short list is presented. 表單編號:ATRX-Q03-001-FM031-01


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